145th ASA Meeting, Nashville, TX

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The Statistical Structure of Speech Sounds Predicts Musical Universals

David A. Schwartz-
Catherine Howe
Dale Purves
Center for Cognitive Neuroscience
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708,
(919) 684-6276

Popular version of paper 5aPP4
Presented Friday morning, May 2, 2003
145th ASA Meeting, Nashville, TN

The term consonance refers to the harmoniousness or pleasantness of the sound produced by playing two musical tones simultaneously. Consonance ordering refers to the relative consonance of different chromatic scale tone combinations.  For example, the combination of the notes C4 and F4, called a "fourth" in musical terminology, is typically judged more consonant than the combination of notes C4 and bG4, called a "tritone" (Figure 1). Figure 2 shows the average consonance rank listeners assigned to each of the 12 possible chromatic scale tone combinations in research conducted during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  The studies all agree that the musical intervals of the octave, the fifth, and the fourth are the most consonant, followed by the major sixth and major third, the minor second and major seventh being least consonant. Remarkably, listeners of all ages, places, and historical periods tend to produce this same general consonance ordering, suggesting that it has a basis in some fundamental property of audition. Despite scientific interest in this phenomenon dating back at least 2500 years, this aspect of hearing has no generally accepted explanation in either physiological or psychological terms.

Figure 1.The intervals of the chromatic scale. A one-octave portion of a piano keyboard indicating the chromatic scale tones, the name of the musical interval corresponding to the combination of each tone with the lowest note in the scale (C in this example) and the fundamental frequency ratio that defines each interval in the Just Intonation tuning scheme.

Figure 2. The consonance ordering of musical intervals. Graph shows the consonance rankings assigned to each of the 12 chromatic scale tone pairings in the seven studies reported by Malmberg (1918). The median consonance values are indicated by the open circles connected by a dashed line. The octave (e.g., C4 and C5) is judged the most consonant and the minor second (e.g., C and bD) is judged the least consonant.

Most previous efforts to explain why human listeners experience tone combinations as relatively pleasant or unpleasant have focused on the physical properties of sound stimuli, their frequency characteristics in particular. Helmholtz, for example, equated consonance with the "smoothness" of a sound, and suggested that a loss of smoothness occurs when the overtones (i.e., harmonics) of two different notes physically interfere with each other. Terhardt has argued more recently that smoothness is only part of the story, and that listeners acquire a sense of musical intervals by learning the abstract pitch relationships in speech sounds. While such theories have been successful in explaining some aspects of consonance, neither can account for all the phenomenology of tone perception.

Instead of focusing exclusively on the properties of the sound wave at the ear or on the frequency ratios that define musical tone combinations, we have approached the problem of consonance from the perspective of the auditory system's need to contend with the inherent ambiguity of all acoustical stimuli. A given variation in sound pressure can arise from many different combinations of initiating mechanical force, physical properties of the resonant body or bodies acted upon, and qualities of the medium and structural environment intervening between the source and the listener. This uncertainty presents a quandary, since listeners must direct appropriate behavior toward objects and events that are not specified by the sound pressure variations at the receptor surface. We therefore reasoned that the brain must generate the sounds we hear based upon the relative likelihood of the different possible sources of a given acoustical stimulus.

Figure 3 Analysis of speech segments. A) Variation of sound pressure level over time for a representative utterance from the TIMIT corpus (the sentence in this example is "She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year". B) Blowup of a 0.1 second segment extracted from the utterance (in this example the vowel sound in "dark"). C) The spectrum of the extracted segment in (B), generated by application of a fast Fourier transform. All amplitude and frequency values in a given spectrum were normalized according to. Fn= F/Fm and An= A/Am, where Am and Fm are the maximum amplitude and its associated frequency, A and F are any given amplitude and frequency values in the spectrum, and An and Fn are the normalized values. This method of normalization avoids any assumptions about the structure of human speech sounds, e.g., that such sounds should be conceptualized in terms of ideal harmonic series.

Since human speech sounds are the principal naturally occurring sources of tone-evoking stimuli, we examined a database of recorded speech sounds in ten languages to ask whether the median consonance ordering in Figure 2 is predicted by the statistical distribution of sound energy in the periodic stimuli that human listeners normally encounter. Figure 3 illustrates the method we used to analyze a corpus of recorded American English speech sampled from the DARPA-TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus (Garofolo et al., 1990); Figure 4 presents the "statistical spectrum" resulting from this analysis, showing the average relative amplitude that occurs in speech sounds at different frequency ratios relative to the maximum amplitude in a spectrum.

Figure 4. Statistical characteristics of American English speech sounds based on an analysis of the spectra extracted from the >100,000 segments (200 per speaker) in the TIMIT corpus. Mean normalized amplitude is plotted as a function of normalized frequency, the maxima indicating the normalized frequencies at which power tends to be concentrated. The plot shows the statistical spectrum for the octave interval bounded by the frequency ratios 1 and 2. Error bars show the 95% confidence interval of the mean at each local maximum.

The frequency ratios at which sound energy is concentrated in speech sounds accord with the fundamental frequency ratios that define the chromatic scale intervals (Figure 5). Moreover, the difference in the amount of sound energy concentrated at each frequency ratio predicts the consonance ordering of chromatic scale tone combinations (Figure 6).

Figure 5. Comparison of the normalized spectrum of human speech sounds and the intervals of the chromatic scale. The majority of the musical intervals of the chromatic scale (arrows) correspond to the mean amplitude peaks in the normalized spectrum of human speech sounds, shown here over a single octave. The names of the musical intervals and the frequency ratios corresponding to each peak are indicated. The frequency ratios at the local maxima closely match the frequency ratios that define the chromatic scale intervals (see Figure 1).

Figure 6. Consonance rankings predicted from the normalized spectrum of speech sounds. Median consonance rank of musical intervals (from Figure 2) plotted against the residual mean normalized amplitude at different frequency ratios, Consonance rank decreases progressively as the relative concentration of power at the corresponding maxima in the normalized speech sound spectrum decreases.

These observations support the hypothesis that the perceptual response to periodic sound stimuli is determined by the statistical relationship between ambiguous acoustical stimuli and their various possible natural sources and suggests that other puzzling aspects of tone perception may be explainable in similar terms.


Garofolo JS, Lamel LF, Fisher WM, Fiscus JG, Pallett DS Dahlgren NL (1990) DARPA-TIMIT Acoustic-phonetic continuous speech corpus [CD-ROM]. Gaithersburg, MD: US Department of Commerce.

Malmberg CF (1918) The perception of consonance and dissonance. Psychol Monogr 25: 93-133.

Schwartz DA, Howe CQ and Purves D (2003) The statistical structure of human speech sounds predicts musical universals. J Neurosci 23: 7160-7168.

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