Acoustical Society of America
159th Meeting Lay Language Papers

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Music in Our Ears - What Makes a Piano Sound Like a Piano?


Mounya Elhilali -

Kailash Patil -

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Johns Hopkins University

3400 N Charles Street

Barton Hall, Rm 105

Baltimore, MD 21218


Popular version of paper 4aPP11

Presented Thursday morning, April 22, 2010

159th ASA Meeting, Baltimore, MD



Music is a complex acoustic experience that we often take for granted. Whether sitting at a symphony hall or enjoying a musical melody over earphones, we have no difficulty identifying the instruments playing, following various beats and melodies, or simply distinguishing a flute from an oboe. Our brains rely on a number of sound attributes to analyze the music in our ears. These attributes can be very simple like loudness. They can also be very complex like the identity of the instrument or the source, formally called timbre. For example, the timbre of percussive instruments like a drum or a marimba has a unique almost noise-like quality that makes them uniquely distinguishable from wind instruments like an oboe or a flute. Defining what makes an oboe and oboe and not a drum or a flute is a complex combination of sound attributes that we still dont fully understand and has been subject of research efforts for many decades. So, what is a good way to define the timbre of musical instruments?


In this work, we used our knowledge of how sounds are processed in the auditory system of our brains to help us define a good space of what timbre of musical instruments is. When sounds enter our ears, they travel through various brain structures that extract a number of informative attributes of these sounds, encompassing both the tonal components (or frequency component) of sound, as well the temporal dynamics (how sound elements change over time). This analysis is done using a complex network of brain neurons, each analyzing one aspect of the sensory sound.


Using this inspiration, we built a mathematical model that mimics this array of biological neurons. This model takes any sound, analyzes it through these computer-simulated neurons, and produces a rich and high-dimensional representation that explicitly captures all the information we need to extract from the sound (its frequency components, temporal dynamics and how frequency and time components combine together). Using this new way of representing sounds, we can then see whether all piano sounds tend to activate the same group of neurons, while all violin sounds tend to active another set of neurons, etc. Therefore, we attempt to cluster musical instruments in this new space. Our results show that this model gives us an almost perfect classification of musical instruments with an accuracy of 98% (i.e. making a faux-classification only in 2% of cases), by clustering sounds from the same instrument with each other. We can therefore use this model to improve our understanding of the neural mechanisms for timbre perception, and give us a better grasp of what allows our brains to appreciate the diversity of the musical world. In the long term, work on similar computer models can lead to better technologies to help hearing-impaired listeners experience the joys of music.