Acoustical Society of America
159th Meeting Lay Language Papers

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Music to Zebra Finch Ears: Which Acoustic Cues Do Zebra Finches Attend to When Listening to Song?


Beth Vernaleo -

Robert J. Dooling -

University of Maryland

Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Program, Dept. of Psychology

College Park, MD 20742


Marjorie R. Leek -

National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research

Portland VA Medical Center

Portland, OR 97239


Popular version of paper 3aABb3

Presented Wednesday morning, April 21, 2010

159th ASA Meeting, Baltimore, MD



Birdsong has long served as a model for vocal development and communication. Zebra finches are a particularly interesting model because they sing just one song their entire lives, and they sing this song with little variation from rendition to rendition. Male zebra finches sing to other males to defend their territories and to females for mating displays. Thus, perception of song is important for species survival.



Figure 1. A male zebra finch


Songs consists of bursts of sounds (syllables), separated by silence (intervals). A motif is a specific ordering of syllables. Motifs range from 3 to 8 syllables long, and each syllable in the motif is unique. Zebra finch songs consist of several introductory notes, followed by a few renditions of the motif, sung in a very repetitive manner.


Sound 1. A typical zebra finch song


If we take a closer look at a single song motif, we can see that each individual syllable is acoustically complex. Each syllable contains an amplitude envelope (loudness cues) spectral structure (pitch, timbre, or frequency cues) and temporal fine structure (millisecond phase cues), which result in a set of syllables all of which are acoustically distinct. Are all of these cues equally important for song perception?



Figure 2. A zebra finch song motif


Sound 2. A zebra finch song motif


Previous work has shown that zebra finches are quite good at discriminating changes to their song motifs, specifically temporal reversals of single syllables (i.e., playing syllables backwards). Below is an example of this type of change. To find out which acoustic cues zebra finches are listening to when they make these discriminations, we tested discrimination of reversals of single syllables in a few types of modified song motifs, which were designed to isolate these acoustic cues.


Figure 3. An example of a temporal reversal of a single syllable with a song motif



Figure 4. A magnification of the same syllable and it's reversed version


Birds were tested on discrimination tasks, in which they had to discriminate between two sounds: the original song motif and a song motif with a temporally reversed syllable. The testing setup consists of a cage with two LEDs (red and green) placed on the wall and a speaker overhead through which sounds are played to the bird. The original song motif was played as a repeating background, and the bird had to peck the left (red) observation LED as this motif is being played. At random times, a target stimulus (the changed motif) was played to the bird instead of the original motif. If the bird detected a change from the original motif, he was trained to peck the right (green) report LED in order to receive a food reward. If he did not detect a change, then he was to peck the left LED. By recording which keys the bird pecked during the changed motifs, we could determine which changes the bird could detect, how quickly he could detect these changes, and which changes the bird seemed unable to detect. Below is a video showing the experimental setup and a bird completing this task.


Video. A video of a bird during the discrimination task


Syllable reversals were tested in natural motifs, as well as synthetic motifs in which certain acoustic cues were removed. One type of synthetic motif (noise motif) consisted of the motif amplitude envelope filled with random noise. This type of motif removes any spectral structure of individual syllables, and the main cue that remains is amplitude envelope (short-term loudness cues). A second type of synthetic motif (Schroeder motif) consisted of Schroeder harmonic waveforms in which only fine structure changed when the waveform was temporally reversed (i.e., no pitch or short-term loudness cues). The amplitude envelope and spectrum remained the same across time. However, there were phase changes across frequencies such that the starting phase of each harmonic increased. Thus, there was an upward sweep of phase across frequencies that became a downward sweep when the harmonic was temporally reversed. Examples of a syllable reversal in a natural motif and both synthetic motifs are shown below. In each case, the last syllable G is reversed. Both the waveform of the motif and the spectrogram are shown.



Figure 5. A natural motif in which the last syllable is reversed in time



Figure 6. A synthetic noise motif in which the last syllable is reversed in time



Figure 7. A synthetic Schroeder motif in which the last syllable is reversed in time


Birds are best at temporal reversals of syllables when all acoustic cues are present, in the natural song motif (shown in blue). When spectral structure is removed, but the amplitude envelope remains intact, birds show a decrease in performance but are still able to discriminate most syllable reversals. When only phase information is present, birds perform almost as well as they do on natural motifs. This is surprising, because phase changes take place over milliseconds, whereas envelope changes take place over much slower timescales. Male zebra finch performance on one song motif is shown below.



Figure 8. Male zebra finch performance for single syllable reversals in natural song motifs, noise motifs, and Schroeder motifs


This suggests that birds can use the multiple acoustic cues available to them for the task, but they are best when all cues are available. This is reminiscent of human speech, in which there are multiple redundant cues available for speech recognition. However, one difference is that zebra finches are able to use either envelope or temporal fine structure cues alone to discriminate changes in syllables. Humans on the other hand, primarily use envelope cues for speech recognition. Humans can easily understand sentences when the speech envelope is filled with random noise, but cannot understand speech when the envelope is removed.


This ability of zebra finches to use temporal fine structure suggests that it is an important cue for song perception. In human speech perception, temporal fine structure is necessary for understanding speech in noisy environments. Perhaps it serves a similar purpose for zebra finches. Zebra finches live in wooded areas, among many other birds that share similar songs. Perception of temporal fine structure in song may be necessary for singer identification, and transmission of song over distances.