David Lubman - dlubman@ix.netcom.com
David Lubman & Associates
Westminster, CA
Peggy Nelson - nelso477@umn.edu
University of Minnesota
Louis Sutherland - lou-sutherland@juno.com
Rancho Palos Verdes,CA
Special Lay-Language Paper for the
75th Anniversary Meeting of the
Acoustical Society of America
May 2004
Together with lighting and ventilation, acoustics is a third essential element
of the learning environment in
rooms where verbal communication plays such a vital role. While students are
assured of adequate school lighting and ventilation by the minimum requirements
specified in national building codes, no such codes or national design standards
had been developed, until now, for classroom acoustics. Like a three-legged
stool missing one leg, this absence of such national standards for classroom
acoustics has insured that many of the nation's classrooms fail to provide the
vital acoustical environment so necessary for verbal learning. The requirements
for low background noise and low reverberation, the two key ingredients of this
acoustical environment, were documented more than a half century ago by two
renowned educators, architectural acousticians and past presidents of the Acoustical
Society of America (ASA), Vern Knudsen and Cyril Harris in their classic book:
"Acoustical designing in architecture." This wise guidance has been
largely ignored until now.
Full awareness of this "missing leg" in classroom acoustical design
finally resurfaced in the 1990s within the American Speech, Language and Hearing
Association, (ASHA), ASA and the US Access Board, an independent Federal agency
devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities. As a result, in 1997,
ASA, working through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and with
support from the Access Board, established a Working Group to develop the first
American national standard for classroom acoustical design. The culmination
of that 5 year effort was the ANSI/ASA standard S12.60-2002, Acoustical Performance
Criteria, Design Requirements, and Guidelines for Schools. This milestone represents
a dedicated effort by the diverse Working Group, the largest ever assembled
by ASA, chaired by ASA fellows David Lubman and Louis Sutherland, and strongly
supported by the ASA Standards staff. Notable among the many individuals who
made special contributions are three no longer with us, acoustical consultant
Robin (Buzz) Towne, ASA past-president Robert Apfel and Daniel Johnson, past
chair of ASA Committee on Standards.
For "typical" unoccupied classrooms, the standard limits the A-weighted
background noise level to 35 decibels (often designated by the symbol, dBA)
[See Note (a) for an explanation
of the A-weighted measurement scale)]. The other limit in the standard for a
"typical size" unoccupied classroom is the reverberation time of 0.6
sec.[See Note (b) for a short
description of reverberation)] The standard also defines appropriate noise isolation
design requirements for the classroom envelope to limit intrusion of noise from
adjacent spaces and the outdoors.
Extensive research was uncovered that supported the need for the standard, including
the following:
There is compelling evidence that children in classrooms require more favorable acoustic conditions than are currently found in most U.S. schools. This research demonstrates that children need:
Evidence shows that learners, especially children, need these conditions for learning because of the following factors:
The goal of the standard is to optimize the acoustics of classrooms so that
a talker located anywhere in a classroom can be understood by all listeners
in that room. In classrooms that conform to the ANSI S12.60 standard criteria,
normal speech will be heard at a clear signal-to-noise ratio, or SNR, of +15
dB or more (that is, the target speech signal is heard at least 15 dB above
the background noise). In those classrooms, nearly all learners, especially
children, will have full auditory access to the spoken message.
The challenges to full implementation of the ANSI standard are significant but they are not insurmountable. They fall into the areas of both technology and economics. The HVAC industry in particular recognizes that meeting the requirements of ANSI S12.60 requires careful engineering, selection of materials and proper construction. They also recognize that stringent standards can stimulate innovation. With good noise control design, existing technology can be made to comply with the standard. Key cost considerations include the cost-effectiveness of applying good acoustic design in the beginning instead of having to apply it as a costly retrofit. Secondly, gross estimates of cost benefits clearly show a high benefit-to-cost ratio making good classroom acoustics a wise investment of education dollars. Cost-benefits of good classroom acoustics derive from better educated students, fewer failures and dropouts, increased teacher satisfaction, and lower costs for special education services.
In summary, citing one HVAC industry spokesperson (8):
Note (a): The decibel is the logarithmic
scale used to describe the physical magnitude of a
sound. A sound 10 decibels louder than another sound has 10 times the intensity
of the quieter sound but is perceived, subjectively, as being about twice as
loud. The A-weighting approximates how the ear hears sounds of different frequencies
or pitches.
Note (b): Reverberation time is
the time required for the level of a suddenly interrupted sound - e.g. - the
end of a vowel sound in a word - to decay by 60 decibels.
For general review and information about quiet classrooms, please see the following
publications from the ASA:
--Classroom Acoustics I:
A resource for creating learning environments with desirable listening conditions,
by Benjamin Seep, Robin Glosemeyer, Emily Hulce, Matt Linn, Pamela Aytar
and Robert Coffeen, and
--Classroom Acoustics II: Acoustical Barriers to Learning, by Peggy B. Nelson,
Sigfrid D. Soli and Anne Seltz
Other references:
1). Johnson, C.E. (2000). Children's phoneme identification in reverberation
and noise. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 43,
2). Bradlow, A., Kraus, N. & Hayes, E. (2003) Speaking clearly for children
with learning disabilities: sentence perception in noise. J. Spch Lang Hearing
Res 46, 80 - 97.
3). Smith E, Lemke J, Taylor M, Kirchner HL, Hoffman H. (1998). Frequency of
voice problems among teachers and other occupations. Journal of Voice12,
4). U.S. General Accounting Office, Health, Education, and Human Services Division
(1995). "Conditions of America's Schools," Document#: GAO/HEHS-95-61,
Report # B-259307, February 1.
5). Knecht, H., Nelson, P., Whitelaw, G. and Feth, L. (2002). Structural variables
and their relationship to background noise levels and reverberation times in
unoccupied classrooms. American Journal of Audiology 11, 65 -
6). Niskar, A.S., Kieszak, S.M., Holmes, A., Esteban, E., Ruben, C. and Brody,
D.J. (1998). Prevalence of hearing loss among children 6 to 19 years of age.
Journal of the American Medical Association 279(14), 1071-5.
7) Soli, S.D., and Sullivan, J.A. (1997). Factors affecting children's speech
communication in classrooms. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
101, S3070.
8). Guckelburger, D and Bradley, B. "A new standard for classroom acoustics,"
Trane Engineers Newsletter Vol. 32, No. 1, 2003
9 ) Seltz, A. (2000) personal communication.