ASA Press Releases
The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Press Room was created by the ASA Public Relations Committee to provide efficient dissemination of information regarding the Society and the field of acoustics to the news media, science writers, and other interested parties. Below are press releases.
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Press Releases
Newsworthy stories from past and present press conferences and publications.
Baby Seals Show Off Vocal Skills #ASA183
The pups possess an innate control of their voice and an understanding of rhythm.
Improving Child Development by Monitoring Noisy Daycares #ASA183
Noise levels can negatively impact children and staff but focusing on the sound environment at daycares can help.
Whispers from the Deep Sea: The Subtle Sounds of Hydrothermal Vents #ASA183
Passive acoustic monitoring can characterize the sounds of hydrothermal vents, informing the environmental impacts of deep-sea mining and possibly locating similar sites throughout the solar system.
How Behind-the-Scenes Sound Mixing Makes Movie Magic #ASA183
Capturing consistent room tones and ambience with sound mixing enhances dialogue and draws the audience in.
Helping Acoustic Concepts Resonate with Students #ASA183
An experimental music piece can help teach the acoustic concepts of resonance in a more interesting way.
Text-to-Audio Models Make Music from Scratch #ASA183
Much like machine learning can create images from text, it can also generate sounds with text-to-audio.
Martian Dust Devil Analogues in the Mojave Desert #ASA183
Identifying and characterizing a dust devil on Earth can inform their formation and lifecycles on Mars, where dust storms can make or break missions.
Cultivating a Music Studio to Sound Like an Indoor Forest #ASA183
Nashville’s Blackbird Studio C diffuses sound to create an immersive critical listening environment
Why Those Sounds From Your Upstairs Neighbor Are So Annoying #ASA183
Laboratory experiments and online surveys seek to understand what characteristics make an impact noise annoying