As announced in the Editorial in the April 2023 issue of The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), JASA Express Letters is now partnering with JASA for joint Special Issues.

Authors now have the option to select which journal they would like to submit a paper to for a Special Issue. Accepted papers will be published in the next available regular issue of the selected journal and identified as belonging to the Special Issue. After all papers have published for the Special Issue, they will be included in a cross-journal online collection at the JASA and JASA Express Letters websites.

The following are open call for papers for joint Special Issues. Information on current call for papers are always available here: JASA and JASA Express Letters

Verification and Validation of Source and Propagation Models for Underwater Sound
This Special Issue invites papers on the verification (model-model comparison) and validation (model-measurement comparison) of marine sound source and propagation models, as well as papers on metrics for calculating the dose on marine species. …Read More!
Guest Editors: Kathleen J. Vigness-Raposa, Michael Ainslie, Michele Halvorsen, Klaus Lucke, Stanley Labak, and Christ de Jong
Deadline: October 2, 2023

Acoustic Cue–Based Perception and Production of Speech by Humans and Machines
This Special Issue invites interdisciplinary submissions on modeling human speech perception and production in difficult and varying conditions, papers that aim at bridging the gap between speech science and engineering by attempting to improve machine-based systems, and especially welcome submissions in the spirit of Stevens’ approach to accounting for and/or integrating articulatory, acoustic, and phonological theory, and studies that address fundamental unsolved issues in human speech processing. …Read More!
Guest Editors: Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel, Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto, Abeer Alwan, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Ann Bradlow, Jody Kreiman
Deadline: December 31, 2023

Wave phenomena in periodic, near-periodic, and locally resonant systems
This Special Issue presents recent advances on periodic, near-periodic, and locally resonant vibroacoustic systems, covering fundamental aspects of the theory of multiple wave scattering to experimental studies that demonstrate performance and potential applications of the systems. …Read More!
Guest Editors: Vladislav Sorokin, Luke Bennetts, Nicole Kessissoglou, Alex Skvortsov
Deadline: December 31, 2023

Iconicity and Sound Symbolism
This Special Issue aims to advance our understanding of the rich and complex nature of sound symbolism. We invite interdisciplinary contributions that go beyond the investigation of dichotomous phonological categories and embrace sound symbolism as a continuous phenomenon of acoustic and/or articulatory properties in human and non-human communication and their resemblance with all kinds of properties. …Read More!
Guest Editors: Aleksandra Ćwiek, Susanne Fuchs, Jody Kreiman
Deadline: February 1, 2024

Advances in Soundscape: Emerging Trends and Challenges in Research and Practice
This Special Issue invites submissions that focus on the human perception of sounds in built or natural environments, or the impacts that human activities can have on those, and help advancing the field either theoretically or methodologically. …Read More!
Guest Editors: Francesco Aletta, Bhan Lam, Cynthia Tarlao, Tin Oberman, Andrew Mitchell
Deadline: February 29, 2024

Assessing Sediment Heterogeneity on Continental Shelves and Slopes
This Special Issue presents recent advances in experimental measurements, theoretical models, and application of information-based signal processing and machine learning to assess the degree to which seabed heterogeneity can be characterized. …Read More!
Guest Editors: David Knobles, Preston Wilson, Tracianne Neilsen, Ying Tsong Lin
Deadline: April 01, 2024

Climate Change: How the Sound of the Planet Reflects the Health of the Planet
Recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis, this Special Issue invites papers investigating efforts to monitor and mitigate the environmental, economic, and social disruption threatened by an increasingly warm planet. …Read More!
Guest Editors: Megan S. Ballard, Edward J. Walsh, Lauren A. Freeman, Daniel T. Blumstein, Ying Tsong Lin
Deadline: June 30, 2024


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