The collection for the JASA Special Issue on Fish Bioacoustics: Hearing and Sound Communication is now available online!
The field of fish bioacoustics—encompassing studies of fish hearing, sound production, and acoustic communication—is of increasing importance as investigators, regulators, and others now realize that anthropogenic sounds are likely to have a major impact on fishes, their ecosystems, and on the human food supply. To help better understand fish bioacoustics, this special issue of The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America brings together papers that explore the breadth of the topic, from historical perspectives to the latest findings on the impact of anthropogenic sounds on fishes.
Many thanks to Arthur N. Popper, Clara Amorim, Michael L. Fine, Dennis M. Higgs, Allen F. Mensinger, and Joseph A. Sisneros for serving as Guest Editors for this Special Issue.
Read more on this Special Issue in the Introduction and visit the collection of articles.
Image credit: Figure 2 from Deng et al (2023).