The June cover of JASA is now available! Check it out:
The cover image was selected to represent “Evidence for proactive and retroactive temporal pattern analysis in simultaneous masking,” by Bernhard Laback, Hisaaki Tabuchi, and Armin Kohlrausch. JASA Coordinating Editor for Psychological and Physiological Acoustics Emily Buss says, “[This article] describes basic psychoacoustic research into the way listeners use the temporal regularity of background sounds to maximize signal detection. Results speak to the basic mechanisms that listeners use to organize sound into an auditory scene.”
Some other research was also highlighted on the June JASA cover:
- From Acoustical Oceanography, “Reflected acoustic energy from geological layers during seismic reflection surveys,” by Alexander S. Douglass, Shima Abadi, Benjamin J. Phrampus, and Warren T. Wood
- From Architectural Acoustics, “Free-field method for inverse characterization of finite porous acoustic materials using feed forward neural networks,” by Mark Müller-Giebeler, Marco Berzborn, and Michael Vorländer
- From Physical Acoustics, “Propagation of elastic waves in correlated dispersions of resonant scatterers,” by Alverède Simon, Quentin Baudis, Régis Wunenburger, and Tony Valier-Brasier
- From Speech Communication, “Advanced accent/dialect identification and accentedness assessment with multi-embedding models and automatic speech recognition,” by Shahram Ghorbani and John H. L. Hansen
All the articles from the cover are free to read for a month after the cover is released, so be sure to check them out! You can find the whole issue at