ASA Spring 2014
167th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
The following are lay language versions of meeting papers being presented at the 167th Annual Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America to be held May 5 - 9, 2014, in Providence, Rhode Island. Please keep in mind that some of the research described in the lay papers may not have yet been peer reviewed.
“Soundscape Auralization” Combines the Art of Recording with Science of Sound (1aAA5) by Matthew Azevedo
Breast Cancer Screening To See Revolutionary Advances with New High Definition Imaging Techniques (1aBA4) by
Robert Kruger, Richard Lam, Daniel Reinecke, and Stephen Del Rio
The position of the sound source in churches (1pAA4) by Umberto Berardi and Francesco Martellotta
Turning Music into Sound: Vincenzo Galilei’s Contribution to the History of Acoustics (1pMU1) by Marina Baldissera Pacchetti
Investigation of Acoustical Parameters in the South Indian Musical Intervals (1pMU2) by Gopu R. Potty, and Venkitanarayanan Parameswaran
Physics of Stringed Instruments (1pMU5) by Gordon Ramsey and Katarzyna Pomian
Sound Power Levels of the Caxirola and Different Types of Caxixis (1pMU6) by Talita Pozzer, and Stephan Paul
Relaxing Music for College Students (1pMU10) by Wei-Chun Wang
Using Ultrasound to Detect Intracranial Hemorrhage (2aBA4) by Faik C. Meral, Phillip J. White, Amber B. Bennoui, Joleigh V. Ferro, Charles D. Maneval, Mufaddal A. Jafferji, Nicholas J. Giordano, and Greg T. Clement
The Encoding of Non-categorical Aspects of Speech and its Maintenance in Memory (2aSC1) by
Georgia Zellou, and Delphine Dahan
Fluency, Intelligibility, and Acceptability of Non-native Spoken English (2aSC21) by Mengxi Lin and Alexander L. Francis
Evaluation of Acoustic Diversity in Monotheistic Faith Societies’ Religious Buildings: A Case Study from Churches and Mosques in Turkey (2pAAa7) by Filiz Kocyigit
Shh! North Atlantic Right Whale Mother-calf Pairs Keep Quiet on their Calving Grounds (2pAB7) by Susan E. Parks, Dana Cusano, Lisa Conger, and Sofie Van Parijs
Our Unconscious Imitation Helps Us Understand Speech (2pSC7) by James W. Dias, Theresa C. Cook, Dominique C. Simmons, Josh J. Dorsi, and Lawrence D. Rosenblum
Braying Leaves Them Breathless! (3aAB11) by David G. Browning and Peter M. Scheifele
Noise Pollution in the 21st Century (3aID2) by Les Blomberg
Thermoacoustic Engines as Self-powered Sensors within a Nuclear Reactor (3aPA8) by Steven L. Garrett, Randall A. Ali, James A. Smith, and Michael D. Heibel
Active Acoustic Detection of Subsea Oil and Gas Leaks; Model Prediction and Measurements (3aUWb15) by Geir Pedersen, Rune Hauge, Rokas Kubilius, and Terje Torkelsen
Power from Sound; It’s Not Just Noise (3pID2) by Kenneth A. Cunefare
School Air Conditioning Noise Impacts Test Scores (4aAA6) by Michael Ermann, Ana Jaramillo, Elena L. Serrano, and Carmen Byker
What Does a Rhino Hear, and Why Do We Care? (4aAB14) by
Suzi Wiseman, Preston S. Wilson, and Frank Sepulveda
Using Sound to Engineer Blood Vessels (4aBA5) by Diane Dalecki and Denise C. Hocking
Mammalian Cell and Yeast Filtration using Acoustic Separators (4aPA3) by Brian McCarthy, Ben Ross-Johnsrud, and Bart Lipkens
Female North Atlantic Right Whales Produce Gunshot Sounds (4pAB13) by
Edmund Gerstein, Vasilis Trygonis, Steven McCulloch, James Moir, and Scott Kraus
Wind Turbine Blade Health Monitoring using Acoustic Beamforming Techniques (4pSP5) by Christopher Niezrecki, Peyman Poozesh, Kai Aizawa, and Gunnar Heilmann