The August JASA Express Letters cover features figure 1 of “Basin scale coherence of Kauai-Beacon m-sequence transmissions received at Wake Island and Monterey, CA,” by Kay L. Gemba, Nicholas C. Durofchalk, David R. Dall’Osto, Rex K. Andrew, Paul Leary, Bruce M. Howe, and Kevin B. Smith. The upper panel depicts the ascent network of Kaui-Beacon source and receiver locations, and the lower panel is a ray tracing model that shows propagation from the Kaui-Beacon source (located north of Kauai) to receivers. This article was also featured on our website as an Editor’s Pick!
This month’s issue also included one other Editor’s Pick you don’t want to miss: “Acoustic ducting by shelf water streamers at the New England shelfbreak,” by Jennifer J. Johnson, Ying-Tsong Lin, Arthur E. Newhall, Glen G. Gawarkiewicz, David P. Knobles, Jason D. Chaytor, and William S. Hodgkiss.
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