Welcome to the first monthly roundup of popular publication highlights! The Propagations Blog is delighted to share articles that generated interest on our Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn pages. In case you missed them, here are two captivating publications that piqued the curiosity of our followers.

One of our most clicked posts on Facebook was about Signal Processing. The featured article proposes a solution for the challenging task of separating overlapping calls and environmental noise in passive acoustic monitoring of complex soundscapes. If you’re intrigued by this topic, give the article a read. You can access it directly at https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0013505.

For the original post, visit the ASA official Facebook page at https://ow.ly/4PyP50PkYaK.

Our Instagram followers liked this article published in POMA. The research introduces a Bayes Factor inference processor designed for high-frequency broadband active monostatic sonar in shallow water environments with a vertical aperture.

popular facebook - july

popular instagram - julyDive into the details by reading the complete article at https://doi.org/10.1121/2.0001734.

Check out the original post on the ASA official Instagram account at https://www.instagram.com/p/CuQLykZLzo6/.

Last, but not least, a post about a JASA-EL Editor’s pick engaged LinkedIn users.

popular linkedin - augThe paper develops an approach to estimate both water-column and seabed properties by the inversion of ocean acoustic data. Read the entire open access letter at https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0019706 or review the original post on the ASA official LinkedIn profile at https://ow.ly/FkN850PlRZs.

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We hope you find these articles as intriguing as our other social media followers!


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