As we come to the end of April, let’s revisit some content that captured the attention of the acoustics community on different social media platforms. These posts sparked engagement and ignited discussions around acoustics research!
First up, a JASA post on Facebook about an article that considers musical instruments as dynamic sound sources. Read the article at
Next, on the JASA Express Letters Twitter (X) account, a post about how perceptual organization can influence how listeners can access memory for sounds got users engaged. Read the article at
Then, folks on LinkedIn commented on a post featuring a POMA that documents the acoustic roughness outcomes achieved by various rail maintenance processes, in comparison to acoustic roughness from worn in tracks. Read the article at
Over on Instagram, an image promoting the AT Collection Acoustic Wave Propagation in Random Media was well liked. Read the any of the collection articles at
Finally, as you gear up for the 186th ASA Meeting/Acoustics Week in Canada next month, help ASA build social media buzz by using the social media toolkit! Spread the word about your participation in the ASA Meeting and share updates before and throughout the meeting. Stay up-to-date on all things leading up to the meeting by following #ASA186.