Helen Wall Murray
POMA Manuscript Manager
It has been a long-standing tradition that the ASA offers cosponsorship and financial support to non-ASA meetings dedicated to acoustics-related topics and research. The Executive Council reviews and approves applications for cosponsorship, and financial support is provided through the ASA Technical Initiative Program. For organizations whose meetings meet the criteria and receive approval, an additional courtesy is then offered – an invitation and opportunity to publish their meeting proceedings in POMA.
In 2022, POMA published proceedings from meetings focused on Nonlinear Acoustics, Underwater Acoustics and Musical Acoustics. Over the past few years, other topics highlighted were Long Range Sound Propagation, Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life and Ultrasonics. Each meeting is permanently archived in a specific Volume on the POMA home page and the published papers are actively promoted through the ASA social media accounts.
Considering the multidisciplinary nature of the ASA, it only seems natural that papers from various acoustics-related meetings in the US and worldwide would find a permanent home in POMA. Therefore, each year, POMA Editor Megan Ballard makes it a top priority to reach out to newly approved meeting organizers, inviting them to take advantage of POMA’s flexible scheduling and workflow. Customized meeting logos can be highlighted on cover pages, along with the formal POMA and ASA branding. POMA’s team of expert Associate Editors work diligently to review papers in a timely fashion and often work hand in hand with Guest Associate Editors from a specific meeting. Through the years, this collaboration has fostered collegiality and interconnectedness among the various technical and research areas of acoustics science.
The POMA Editorial Board always welcomes organizers of cosponsored meetings to reach out and take advantage of this unique and streamlined opportunity to publish their proceedings.
For more information, Guidelines for ASA Support of Non-ASA Meetings and POMA Cosponsored Meeting Information (for detailed information on using POMA, including publishing fees) are available here: https://acousticalsociety.org/meeting-information/.
If you have any questions or for more information, please contact the POMA Manuscript Manager at poma@acousticalsociety.org.