ASA Press Releases

The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Press Room was created by the ASA Public Relations Committee to provide efficient dissemination of information regarding the Society and the field of acoustics to the news media, science writers, and other interested parties. Below are press releases.

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Press Releases

Newsworthy stories from past and present press conferences and publications.

3 March 2020: World Hearing Day

3 March 2020: World Hearing Day

3 March 2020: World Hearing Day #JASAchat | Chat with Experts on Twitter Noise-induced hearing loss affects people in all walks of life, both at work and recreationally. For World Hearing Day, please join us on Twitter to chat with the editors and authors of the...

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IYS Opening Ceremony

IYS Opening Ceremony

Kick Off International Year of Sound with U.S. Opening Ceremony at American Center for Physics on Feb. 13

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