The following are lay language papers being presented at the 144th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America to be held December 2-6 in Cancun, Mexico.
Microscopy Using Sound Waves by Joie P. Jones
Listening to the Sound of a Melting Arctic Ocean by Peter Mikhalevsky, Brian Sperry, and Alexander Gavrilov
Stop that Screech! An Improved Hearing Aid Transducer by David E. Schafer, Mekell Jiles, Thomas E. Miller, and Stephen C. Thompson
How Long Do Females Really Listen? Assessment Time for Female Choice in the Gray Treefrog by Joshua J. Schwartz
Creating a Web-based Library of Underwater Biological Sounds by Jack W. Bradbury, Carol A. Bloomgarden, and Shelagh A. Smith
Observation of Laryngeal Movements for Throat Singing (Vibrations of two pairs of folds in the human larynx) by Ken-Ichi Sakakibara, Tomoko Konishi, Emi Zuiki Murano, Hiroshi Imagawa, Masanobu Kumada, Kazumasa Kondo, and Seiji Niimi
Psychoacoustic Influences of the Echoing Environments of Prehistoric Art by Steven J. Waller
Dual Pulse Lithotripsy Points Toward Faster, Safer Treatment for Kidney Stones by Dahlia L. Sokolov, Michael R. Bailey, Lawrence A. Crum, James A. McAteer, and Andrew P. Evan
Can Shock Waves Kill Bacteria? by Achim M. Loske, Ulises M. Alvarez, Eduardo Castao-Tostado, and Fernando E. Prieto
Reducing Impulsive Sound Due to Airbag Deployment in a Passenger Car by Robert Hickling, Kathleen Yaremchuk, and Gary Newton, Jr.
Cool Sounds by Matthew E. Poese and Steven L. Garrett
Hearing a Volcano Change by Roel Snieder, Alexandre Gret, Huub Douma, and John Scales
A Global Network of Hydroacoustic Stations for Monitoring the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty by Martin Lawrence, Marta Galindo Arranz, Patrick Grenard, and John Newton
An Acoustical Performance Space in Ancient India: The Rani Gumpha by C. Thomas Ault and Umashankar Manthravadi
Ultrasonic Drug Delivery? by Ludwig Weimann and Junru Wu -- en Espaol
Laser Ultrasonic Sensor for Measuring Paper Flexibility by Paul Ridgway, Richard Russo, Emmanuel Lafond, Charles Habeger, Jr., and Ted Jackson
Yaxchilan's Whistles (Clay Frogs) by Roberto Velazquez Cabrera -- en Espaol
Learning the Sounds of a New Language: Adults Can Do It Too! by Paola Escudero
Could Lack of Experience with a Second Language Be Modeled as a Hearing Loss? by Monica Padilla and Robert V. Shannon -- en Espaol
Impact of Boats on the Song of Humpback Whales off Brazil by Renata S. Sousa-Lima, Maria E. Morete, Roberto C. Fortes, Ana C. Freitas, and Marcia H. Engel -- em Português
Unique Gel-coupled Acoustic Sensor Monitors Human Voice and Physiology by Michael V. Scanlon
Music in the Urban Soundscape? by Dick Botteldooren, Bert De Coensel, and Tom De Muer
Dancing the Aerobics "Hearing Loss Choreography" by Beatriz Pinto, Antnio Carvalho, and Srgio Oliveira
Ambiente De Trabalho: Um Local De Risco (Auditory Risk of Chemicals in Some Workplace Environments) - in Portugese Only by Vera M. Steffen, Aletia Simon Alano, Larissa Salati Ludwig, Marceli Ludwig, Marcelo Dutra Arbo, and Flavio Maya Simes
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