June 2024 JASA Express Letters Cover

The June JASA Express Letters cover features a photo inspired by “Who is singing? Voice recognition from spoken versus sung speech,” by Angela Cooper, Matthew Eitel, Natalie Fecher,  Elizabeth Johnson, and Laura K. Cirelli. The article shows listeners can recognize a person’s singing voice, even if they only previously heard them speak, as well as vice versa. The research highlights our flexible ability to identify individuals from their voice.

This month’s issue also included two Editor’s Picks:

Browse the rest of the issue at https://pubs.aip.org/asa/jel/issue/4/6.

JASA-EL cover

June 2024 JASA Cover

The June cover of JASA is now available! Check it out:

The cover image was selected to represent “Evidence for proactive and retroactive temporal pattern analysis in simultaneous masking,” by Bernhard Laback, Hisaaki Tabuchi, and Armin Kohlrausch. JASA Coordinating Editor for Psychological and Physiological Acoustics Emily Buss says, “[This article] describes basic psychoacoustic research into the way listeners use the temporal regularity of background sounds to maximize signal detection. Results speak to the basic mechanisms that listeners use to organize sound into an auditory scene.”

Some other research was also highlighted on the June JASA cover:

All the articles from the cover are free to read for a month after the cover is released, so be sure to check them out! You can find the whole issue at https://pubs.aip.org/asa/jasa/issue/155/6.

JASA Cover art

May 2024 JASA Express Letters Cover

The May JASA Express Letters cover features a portion of Figure 4 from “Predicting underwater acoustic transmission loss in the SOFAR channel from ray trajectories via deep learning,” by Haitao Wang, Shiwei Peng, Qunyi He and Xiangyang Zeng. The image shows acoustic transmission loss maps. The article presents a deep learning-based underwater acoustic transmission loss prediction method, in an effort to address current challenges with predicting acoustic transmission loss in the SOFAR channel.

This month’s issue also had a couple Editor’s Picks:

Browse the rest of the issue at https://pubs.aip.org/asa/jel/issue/4/5.

May JASA Express Letters cover

May 2024 JASA Cover

The May cover of JASA is now available! Check it out:

The cover image overlays a mode of a soundboard calculated using finite element modelling onto an image of a piano. The figure comes from “Influence of soundboard modelling approaches on piano string vibration,” by Pablo Miranda Valiente, Giacomo Squicciarini, and David J. Thompson. JASA Coordinating Editor for Musical Acoustics Andrew Morrison says,“This article compares four different approaches to modeling a piano soundboard which is coupled to vibrating strings. The authors explore how complex a soundboard model needs to be to effectively characterize the main features of the string-soundboard interaction.”

Some other research was also highlighted on the May JASA cover:

All the articles from the cover are free to read for a month after the cover is released, so be sure to check them out! You can find the whole issue at https://pubs.aip.org/asa/jasa/issue/155/5.

May JASA Cover

April 2024 JASA Express Letters Cover

The April JASA Express Letters cover features a photo of a moose, taken by Remington J. Moll, one of the coauthors of the article, “Characteristics of wild moose (Alces alces) vocalizations.” Other authors on the article include Alex Zager, Sonja Ahlberg, Olivia Boyan, Jocelyn Brierley, Valerie Eddington, and Laura N. Kloepper. The article discusses vocalizations of moose, which are actually understudied acoustically!

This month’s issue had a few Editor’s Picks:

Browse the rest of the issue at https://pubs.aip.org/asa/jel/issue/4/4.

JASA Express Letters cover