February 2024 JASA Cover
The February cover of JASA is now available! Check it out:
The cover image is Figures 10a and 11a and b, of “A reduced-order-model-based equivalent circuit for piezoelectric micro-electro-mechanical-system loudspeakers modeling,” by C. Gazzola, V. Zega, A. Corigliano, P. Lotton, and M. Melon. The top portion features a electro-mechano-acoustic finite element model implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics® for free-field conditions, while the bottom shows a fabricated microspeaker and the acoustic measurement setup used in the study.
Some other research was also highlighted on the Februaray JASA cover:
- From Acoustical Oceanography, “Performance study of ray-based ocean acoustic tomography methods for estimating submesoscale variability in the upper ocean,” by Etienne Ollivier, Richard X. Touret, Matthew McKinley, Jihui Jin, Annalisa Bracco, and Karim G. Sabra
- From Animal Bioacoustics, “Estimating distances to baleen whales using multipath arrivals recorded by individual seafloor seismometers at full ocean depth,” by Rose Hilmo and William S. D. Wilcock
- From Noise, “Data-driven decomposition of crowd noise from indoor sporting events,” by Mitchell C. Cutler, Mylan R. Cook, Mark K. Transtrum, and Kent L. Gee
- From Psychological and Physiological Acoustics, “Children’s use of spatial and visual cues for release from perceptual masking,” by Kaylah Lalonde, Z. Ellen Peng, Destinee M. Halverson, andGrace A. Dwyer
All the articles from the cover are free to read for a month after the cover is released, so be sure to check them out! You can find the whole issue at https://pubs.aip.org/asa/jasa/issue/155/2.