The ability to differentiate between talkers based on their voice cues changes with age

Yael Zaltz –

Department of Communication Disorders, Steyer School of Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, and Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, -, 6997801, Israel

Popular version of 4aPP2 – The underlying mechanisms for voice discrimination across the life span
Presented at the 184 ASA Meeting
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By using voice cues, a listener can keep track of a specific talker and tell it apart from other relevant and irrelevant talkers. Voice cues help listeners understand speech in everyday, noisy environments that include multiple talkers. The present study demonstrates that both young children and older adults aren’t as good at voice discrimination compared to young adults. Young children and older adults use more top-down, high-order cognitive resources for voice discrimination.

Four experiments were designed to assess voice discrimination based on two voice cues: the speaker’s fundamental frequency and formant frequencies. These are the resonant frequencies of the vocal tract, reflecting vocal tract length. Two of the experiments assessed voice discrimination in quiet conditions, one experiment assessed the effect of noise on voice discrimination, and one experiment assessed the effect of different testing methods on voice discrimination. In all experiments, an adaptive procedure was used to assess voice discrimination. In addition, high-order cognitive abilities such as non-verbal intelligence, attention, and processing speed were evaluated. The results showed that the youngest children and the older adults displayed the poorest voice discrimination, with significant correlations between voice discrimination and top-down, cognitive abilities; children and older adults with better attention skills and faster processing speed (Figure 1) achieved better voice discrimination. In addition, voice discrimination for the children was shown to depend more on comprehensive acoustic and linguistic information, compared to young adults, and their ability to form an acoustic template in memory to be used as perceptual anchor for the task was less efficient. The outcomes provide an important insight on the effect of age on basic auditory abilities and suggest that voice discrimination is less automatic for children and older adults, perhaps as a result of less mature or deteriorated peripheral (spectral and/or temporal) processing. These findings may partly explain the difficulties of children and older adults in understanding speech in multi-talker situations.

Figure 1: Individual voice discrimination results for (a) the children and (b) the older adults as a function of their scores in the Trail Making Test that assess attention skills and processing speed.

There is a way to differently define the acoustic environment

Semiha Yilmazer –

Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 06800, Turkey

Ela Fasllija, Enkela Alimadhi, Zekiye Şahin, Elif Mercan, Donya Dalirnaghadeh

Popular version of 5aPP9 – A Corpus-based Approach to Define Turkish Soundscape Attributes
Presented at the 184 ASA Meeting
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We hear sound wherever we are, on buses, in streets, in cafeterias, museums, universities, halls, churches, mosques, and so forth. How we describe sound environments (soundscapes) changes according to the different experiences we have throughout our lives. Based on this, we wonder how people delineate sound environments and, thus how they perceive them.

There are reasons to believe there may be variances in how soundscape affective attributes are called in a Turkish context. Considering the historical and cultural differences countries have, we thought that it would be important to assess the sound environment by asking individuals of different ages all over Turkey. For our aim, we used the Corpus-driven approach (CDA), an approach found in Cognitive Linguistics. This allowed us to collect data from laypersons to effectively identify soundscapes based on adjective usage.

In this study, the aim is to discover linguistically and culturally appropriate equivalents of Turkish soundscape attributes. The study involved two phases. In the first phase, an online questionnaire was distributed to native Turkish speakers proficient in English, seeking adjective descriptions of their auditory environment and English-to-Turkish translations. This CDA phase yielded 79 adjectives.

Figure 1 Example public spaces; a library and a restaurant

Examples: audio 1, audio 2

In the second phase, a semantic-scale questionnaire was used to evaluate recordings of different acoustic environments in public spaces. The set of environments comprised seven distinct types of public spaces, including cafes, restaurants, concert halls, masjids, libraries, study areas, and design studios. These recordings were collected at various times of the day to ensure they also contained different crowdedness and specific features. A total of 24 audio recordings were evaluated for validity; each listened to 10 times by different participants. In total, 240 audio clips were randomly assessed, with participants rating 79 adjectives per recording on a five-point Likert scale.

Figure 2 The research process and results

The results of the study were analyzed using a principal component analysis (PCA), which showed that there are two main components of soundscape attributes: Pleasantness and Eventfulness. The components were organized in a two-dimensional model, where each is associated with a main orthogonal axis such as annoying-comfortable and dynamic-uneventful. This circular organization of soundscape attributes is supported by two additional axes, namely chaotic-calm and monotonous-enjoyable. It was also observed that in the Turkish circumplex, the Pleasantness axis was formed by adjectives derived from verbs in a causative form, explaining the emotion the space causes the user to feel. It was discovered that Turkish has a different lexical composition of words compared to many other languages, where several suffixes are added to the root term to impose different meanings. For instance, the translation of tranquilizer in Turkish is sakin-leş (reciprocal suffix) -tir (causative suffix)- ici (adjective suffix).

The study demonstrates how cultural differences impact sound perception and language’s role in expression. Its method extends beyond soundscape research and may benefit other translation projects. Further investigations could probe parallel cultures and undertake cross-cultural analyses.

What is a webchuck?

Chris Chafe –

Stanford University
CCRMA / Music
Stanford, CA 94305
United States

Ge Wang
Stanford University

Michael Mulshine
Stanford University

Jack Atherton
Stanford University

Popular version of 1aCA1 – What would a Webchuck Chuck?
Presented at the 184 ASA Meeting
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Take all of computer music, advances in programming digital sound, the web and web browsers and create an enjoyable playground for sound exploration. That’s Webchuck. Webchuck is a new platform for real-time web-based music synthesis. What would it chuck? Primarily, musical and artistic projects in the form of webapps featuring real-time sound generation. For example, The Metered Tide video below is a composition for electric cellist and the tides of San Francisco Bay. A Webchuck webapp produces a backing track that plays in a mobile phone browser as shown in the second video

Video 1: The Metered Tide

The backing track plays a sonification of a century’s worth of sea level data collected at the location while the musician records the live session. Webchuck has fulfilled a long-sought promise for accessible music making and simplicity of experimentation.

Video 2: The Metered Tide with backing track

Example webapps from this new Webchuck critter are popping up rapidly and a growing body of musicians and students enjoy how they are able to produce music easily and on any system. New projects are fun to program and can be made to appear anywhere. Sharing work and adapting prior examples is a breeze. New webapps are created by programming in the Chuck musical programming language and can be extended with JavaScript for open-ended possibilities.

Webchuck is deeply rooted in the computer music field. Scientists and engineers enjoy the precision that comes with its parent language, Chuck, and the ease with which large-scale audio programs can be designed for real-time computation within the browser. Similar capabilities in the past have relied on special purpose apps requiring installation (often proprietary). Webchuck is open source, runs everywhere a browser does and newly-spawned webapps are available as freely-shared links. Like in any browser application, interactive graphics and interface objects (sliders, buttons, lists of items, etc.) can be included. Live coding is the most common way of using Webchuck, developing a program by hearing changes as they are made. Rapid prototyping in sound has been made possible by the Web Audio API browser standard and Webchuck combines this with Chuck’s ease of abstraction so that programmers can build up from low-level details to higer-level features.

Combining the expressive music programming power of Chuck with the ubiquity of web browsers is a game changer that researchers have observed in recent teaching experiences. What could a Webchuck chuck? Literally everything that has been done before in computer music and then some.

Virtual Reality Musical Instruments for the 21st Century

Rob Hamilton –
Twitter: @robertkhamilton

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th St, Troy, New York, 12180, United States

Popular version of 1aCA3 – Real-time musical performance across and within extended reality environments
Presented at the 184 ASA Meeting
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Have you ever wanted to just wave your hands to be able to make beautiful music? Sad your epic air-guitar skills don’t translate into pop/rock super stardom? Given the speed and accessibility of modern computers, it may come as little surprise that artists and researchers have been looking to virtual and augmented reality to build the next generation of musical instruments. Borrowing heavily from video game design, a new generation of digital luthiers is already exploring new techniques to bring the joys and wonders of live musical performance into the 21st Century.

Image courtesy of Rob Hamilton.

One such instrument is ‘Coretet’: a virtual reality bowed string instrument that can be reshaped by the user into familiar forms such as a violin, viola, cello or double bass. While wearing a virtual reality headset such as Meta’s Oculus Quest 2, performers bow and pluck the instrument in familiar ways, albeit without any physical interaction with strings or wood. Sound is generated in Coretet using a computer model of a bowed or plucked string called a ‘physical model’ driven by the motion of a performer’s hands and the use of their VR game controllers. And borrowing from multiplayer online games, Coretet performers can join a shared network server and perform music together.

Our understanding of music, and live musical performance on traditional physical instruments is tightly coupled to time, specifically the understanding that when a finger plucks a string, or a stick strikes a drum head, a sound will be generated immediately, without any delay or latency. And while modern computers are capable of streaming large amounts of data at the speed of light – significantly faster than the speed of sound – bottlenecks in the CPUs or GPUs themselves, or in the code designed to mimic our physical interactions with instruments, or even in the network connections that connect users and computers alike, often introduce latency, making virtual performances feel sluggish or awkward.

This research focuses on some common causes for this kind of latency and looks at ways that musicians and instrument designers can work around or mitigate these latencies both technically and artistically.

Coretet overview video: Video courtesy of Rob Hamilton.

Diving into the Deep End: Exploring an Extraterrestrial Ocean

Grant Eastland –

Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Keyport, Test and Evaluation Department., Keyport, Washington, 98345, United States

Popular version of 4aPAa12 – Considerations of undersea exploration of an extraterrestrial ocean
Presented at the 184 ASA Meeting
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As we venture out beyond our home planet to explore our neighbors in our solar system, we have encountered the most extreme environments we could have imagined that provide some of greatest engineering challenges. Probes and landers have measured and experienced dangerous temperatures, atmospheres, and surfaces that would be deadly for human exploration. However, no extraterrestrial ocean environments have been studied beyond observation, which are the mostly unexplored portions of our planet. Remarkably, pass-by planetary probes have found the possible existence of oceans on two of Jupiter’s moons Europa and Ganymede and the existence of a potential ocean, as well as lakes and rivers on Titan, a moon of Saturn. Jupiter’s moon Europa could have a saltwater ocean that could be between 60 and 90 miles deep, covered in up to 15 miles of ice. The deepest point in Earth’s Ocean is a maximum of about 7.5 miles for comparison about 10 to 15 times shallower. Those extreme pressures experienced at that depth would be difficult to withstand with current technology and acoustic propagation could potentially behave differently also. At those pressures, water might not freeze above 8°F (~260 K), causing liquid water at temperatures not seen in our oceans. The effects of this would be found in the speed of sound, which are shown in Figure 1 through a creative and imaginative modelling scheme numerically simulated. The methods used were a mixture of using Earth data with predictive speculation, and physical intuition.

Figure 1. Imaginative scientific freedom determining the speed of sound in the deep ocean on Europa beneath a 30 km ice sheet. The water stays liquid down to potentially 260 K (8 degrees F), heated by currently an unknown mechanism probably related to Jupiter’s gravitational pull.

On Titan, a moon of Saturn, there are lakes and rivers of hydrocarbons like Methane and Ethane. For these compounds to be liquid, the temperature would have to be about -297°F. We know how sound interacts with Methane on Earth, because it is a gas for our conditions, but we would have to get it to cryogenic temperatures to study the acoustics as a liquid. We would have to build systems that could swim around in such temperatures to explore what is underneath. At liquid water temperatures, like potentially some of the extraterrestrial oceans predicted to exist, conditions may still be amenable to life. But to discover that life will require independent systems, making measurements and gathering information for humans to see through the eyes of our technology. The drive to explore extreme ocean environments could provide evidence of life beyond Earth, since where there is water, life is possible.

What parts of the brain are stimulated by cochlear implants in children with one deprived ear?

Karen Gordon –

Archie’s Cochlear Implant Laboratory, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, The Hospital for Sick Children, TORONTO, ON, M5G1X8, Canada

Additional Authors – Anderson, C., Jiwani, S., Polonenko, M., Wong, D.D.E., Cushing, S.L., Papsin, B.C.

Additional Links
Hear Here Podcast:

Popular version of 3aPP5 – Non-auditory processing of cochlear implant stimulation after unilateral auditory deprivation in children
Presented at the 184 ASA Meeting
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Decades of research have shown that hearing from only one ear in childhood should not be dismissed as a “minimal” hearing problem as it can impair language, cognitive, and academic development.  We have been exploring whether there are effects of unilateral hearing on the developing brain.  A series of studies has been done in children who have one deaf ear and who hear from the other side through a normal or typically hearing ear, a hearing aid, or a cochlear implant. We record electrical fields of brain activity from electrodes placed on the surface of the head (encephalography); we then calculate what parts of the brain are responding.

The findings show that auditory pathways from the hearing ear to the auditory cortices are strengthened in children with long term unilateral hearing. In other words, the hearing brain has developed a preference for the hearing ear. As shown in Figure 1, responses from the better hearing ear were also from areas of the brain involving attention and other sensory processing. This means that areas beyond the auditory parts of the brain are involved in hearing from the better ear.

Figure 1 legend: Cortical areas abnormally active from the experienced ear in children with long periods of unilateral cochlear implant use include left frontal cortex and precuneus.Adapted from Jiwani S, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Early unilateral cochlear implantation promotes mature cortical asymmetries in adolescents who are deaf. Hum Brain Mapp. 2016 Jan;37(1):135-52. doi: 10.1002/hbm.23019. Epub 2015 Oct 12. PMID: 26456629; PMCID: PMC6867517.

We also asked whether there were brain changes from the ear deprived of sound in children. This question was addressed by measuring cortical responses in three cohorts of children with unilateral hearing who received a cochlear implant in their deaf ear (single sided deafness, bilateral hearing aid users with asymmetric hearing loss, and unilateral cochlear implant users).  Many of these children showed atypical responses from the cochlear implant with unusually strong responses from the brain on the same side of the deaf implanted ear. As shown in Figure 2, this unusual response was most clear in children who had not heard from that ear for several years (Figure 2A) and was already present during the first year of bilateral implant use (Figure 2B).

Figure 2 legend: Cortical responses evoked by the second cochlear implant (CI-2) in children receiving bilateral devices. A) Whereas expected contralateral lateralization of activity is evoked in children with short periods of unilateral deprivation/short delays to bilateral implantation, abnormal ipsilateral responses are found in children with long periods of unilateral deprivation despite several years of bilateral CI use.  Adapted from: Gordon KA, Wong DD, Papsin BC. Bilateral input protects the cortex from unilaterally-driven reorganization in children who are deaf. Brain. 2013 May;136(Pt 5):1609-25. doi: 10.1093/brain/awt052. Epub 2013 Apr 9. PMID: 23576127. B) Abnormal ipsilateral responses are also found throughout the first year of bilateral CI use in children with long periods of unilateral deprivation/long delays to bilateral CI.  Adapted from Anderson CA, Cushing SL, Papsin BC, Gordon KA. Cortical imbalance following delayed restoration of bilateral hearing in deaf adolescents. Hum Brain Mapp. 2022 Aug 15;43(12):3662-3679. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25875. Epub 2022 Apr 15. PMID: 35429083; PMCID: PMC9294307

New analyses have shown that this this response from the CI in the longer deaf ear includes areas of the brain involved in attention, language, and vision.

Results across these studies demonstrate brain changes that occur in children with unilateral hearing/deprivation.  Some of these changes happen in the auditory system but others involve other brain areas and suggest that multiple parts of the brain are working when children listen with their cochlear implants.