September 2023 JASA Cover

The September cover of JASA is now available and it features exciting new research from this past month!​
The cover image was inspired by “Aeroacoustic performance of a seal vibrissa shaped cylinder,” by Tom A. Smith, Guanjiang Chen, and Bin Zang.  Engineering Acoustics Coordinating Editor Dan Costley says about the feature article: I like this article because it is novel and multidisciplinary. The authors investigate a bio-inspired shape to reduce flow noise.

Some other research was also highlighted on the September JASA cover:

JASA Cover Sept 2023
All the articles from the cover are free to read for a month after the cover is released, so be sure to check them out! You can find the whole issue at

Popular Publications Posts – September

This month, the most popular posts on Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), and LinkedIn were all related to the latest volume of Acoustics Today (AT), which was published online early in September.


Popular FB post Sept


The announcement post featuring the cover art of the AT Fall 2023, Volume 19, Issue 3 on Facebook reached over 1500 users! AT is a quarterly magazine and is free online so be sure to read and share this issue with friends, family, and colleagues at

Moving to Instagram, users enjoyed this post with a schematic illustrating what qualifies as good high- and low-frequency hearing for various species from “Extended High Frequency in Hearing and Speech.” Read the complete article at

Popular Instagram post - sept


Then, on X (formerly known as Twitter), users were really intrigued by this post about the article, “A Century of Acousto-Optics: From Early Discoveries to Modern Sensing of Sound with Light,” Read it to learn about the history and to look ahead into some of the exciting prospects in the field at

Finally, over at LinkedIn, users have been commenting on the post highlighting the AT Letter from the President to congratulate the newly elected ASA President, Stan E. Dosso. Read the complete letter at

Popular Twitter post - sept


Popular LinkedIn post - sept


While posts about the AT Fall 2023 issue were the most popular this month, here are some honorable mentions featuring other ASA Publications:

  • Facebook post about the POMA, “Is the stiffness of the Reissner’s membrane important for frequency selectivity? An investigation with a hydrodynamic model”:
  • Instagram post with a figure from the JASA Express Letters, “Sound delivery to listening point using tangent line method”:
  • LinkedIn post about the JASA publication, “Statistical analysis of measured underwater radiated noise from merchant ships using ship operational and design parameters”:

If you don’t use these social media platforms and would still like to keep up to date on ASA publications, enter your email address below to receive Propagations notifications.

New Across Acoustics Episode: Music Mixing for Listeners with Hearing Impairment

Musical mixes are typically created with normal-hearing listeners’ preferences in mind. How do the preferences of listeners with hearing impairment differ, though?  In this episode of Across Acoustics, we talk to Aravindan Joseph Benjamin and Kai Siedenburg (University of Oldenburg) about their recent article, which explores how various spectrum- and level-based mixing transforms might be altered to cater to listeners with different hearing abilities.

(Like the episode? Read the associated article here!)

New Technical Area Picks

Every three months, we ask four Technical Committee (TC) chairs to select one article from the past nine months that they think is a representative of their TC’s published work over that time period. The newest round of Technical Area Picks have been selected and will be free to read from September 1st to November 30th. Read on to find out which articles the chairs selected, along with a little insight from each chair about why they chose the article they did.
Biomedical Acoustics
Monitoring cavitation dynamics evolution in tissue mimicking hydrogels for repeated exposures via acoustic cavitation emissions,” by Scott C. Haskell, Ning Lu, Greyson E. Stocker, Zhen Xu, and Jonathan R. Sukovich.

TC Chair Julianna Simon says, “In the last few years, there has been significant discussion over how to relate measured acoustic cavitation signals to the desired bioeffects. This paper compares optical imaging to broadband hydrophone and narrow-band receive signals from a dedicated histotripsy therapy array in three common tissue-mimicking hydrogels. Stiffness was varied for each hydrogel composition and bubble radii, lifespan, and shock wave amplitudes were compared for each of the three cavitation monitoring mechanisms. Results from this and other papers in the last year will help determine which cavitation features best map to the desired bioeffect for different tissue types.”

The sample high-speed bubble image series of histotripsy cavitation generated in a 1% agarose hydrogel. From Monitoring cavitation dynamics evolution in tissue mimicking hydrogels for repeated exposures via acoustic cavitation emission

Musical Acoustics
Timbral cues for learning to generalize musical instrument identity across pitch register,” by Stephen McAdams, Etienne Thoret, Grace Wang, and Marcel Montrey.

TC Chair Jonas Braasch says, “Stephen McAdams, Etienne Thoret, Grace Wang, Marcel Montrey (2023) Timbral cues for learning to generalize musical instrument identity across pitch register is an interesting study investigating how novices can learn to identify individual musical instruments in an orchestra,  even though each of them sounds different throughout their range of over two octaves. The study used a listening test with non-musicians to learn what features they would use to learn to identify orchestral instruments over time. The results show that listeners predominantly used those parameters that remained stable over the whole range of the instrument while paying lesser attention to cues that vary with pitch. The paper provides insight into how we listen to orchestras, a topic that is of interest to a wider readership.”

Instrument playing ranges and the range of stimuli used. From Timbral cues for learning to generalize musical instrument identity across pitch register.

A perception-based study of the indoor and outdoor acoustic environments in India during the COVID-19 pandemic,” by A. Mimani and S. Nama.

TC Chair Alexandra Loubeau says, “There were several good papers, but this one stood out with a topic of the most general interest.  As part of the special collection on COVID-19 Pandemic Acoustic Effects, this paper discusses the indoor and outdoor acoustic environments in communities across India, and how various lockdowns affected the public’s perception of the environment and their well-being.  An online survey was used to gather responses, and analyses shed light on current preferences for remote education and work.”

Responses to survey questions from A perception-based study of the indoor and outdoor acoustic environments in India during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Psychological and Physiological Acoustics
Why is the perceptual octave stretched? An account based on mismatched time constants within the auditory brainstem,” by Alain de Cheveigné.

TC Chair Christopher Stecker says, “This paper reconceptualizes the nature of peripheral auditory channels (they are not ‘filters’ but in fact complex dynamic systems) to explain a fundamental mystery in the perception of concordant pitches: Specifically, why do perfect octaves (2:1 frequency relationship) sound less natural than slightly stretched octaves (>2:1)? And why is it harder to detect positive mistuning (>2:1) than negative mistuning (<2:1) of the octave?  The paper is important not only for answering those questions using a simple mechanism [cancelation filtering, see de Cheveigné 2023 JASA 153(6):3350], but for also for challenging the obsolete conceptualization of auditory channels as simple ‘filters.’”

Detection of mistuning with a neural cancellation filter from Why is the perceptual octave stretched? An account based on mismatched time constants within the auditory brainstem.

Congratulations to all the authors whose work has been highlighted by the TC chairs!

August 2023 JASA Cover

The August cover of JASA is now available and it features exciting new research from this past month!

The cover image was inspired by “Addressing diversity in speech science courses,” by Melissa Baese-Berk and Paul E. Reed.  Editor-in-Chief Jim Lynch says about the feature article:

The “Editors Pick” for a JASA cover article is decided by the EIC on the basis of being an article that would have broad appeal to the Acoustical Society and beyond. So articles that have social relevance, topics of current interest, or topics that are just fun to consider in general tend to get some preference. This month’s cover article, “Addressing Diversity in Speech Science Courses,” addresses topics that most certainly are of broad interest these days: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Education. The article is of the “Forum” category in JASA, meaning it is a peer-reviewed opinion article. Any facts quoted must be referenced, and any opinions made must be stated as such, and also be deemed reasonable by the review process. This helps to ensure that any debate that the article poses is a reasoned one. I think this month’s Editor’s Pick article is a great example of this, and whether you agree or disagree with the authors, their article will stimulate thought about an important topic, not just for our Speech Technical Committee, but for society in general. We hope you enjoy it!

Some other research was also highlighted on the July JASA cover:

08 2023 JASA cover

All the articles from the cover are free to read for a month after the cover is released, so be sure to check them out! You can find the whole issue at