1pNS1 – Acoustic vehicle alerts and sleep disruption: A content analysis of online discussion forums

Jeanine Botta – jeanine.botta@downstate.edu
The Right to Quiet Society for Soundscape Awareness and Protection
720 East 31st Street
Apartment 7G
Brooklyn, NY 11210

Popular version of paper 1pNS1
Presented Monday afternoon, May 13, 2019
177th ASA Meeting, Louisville, KY

Based on quieter engines that have evolved over decades with electric, hybrid, and many internal combustion engine vehicles, authoritative voices tell us that the problem of noisy cars has been solved. Moving vehicles may be quieter now, but this is not the case for cars that are stationary.

Most vehicles manufactured for the North American market feature an audible signal that assures owners that they have locked their cars. Roughly half of cars sold in the U.S. and Canada use an electronic tone, while the rest use a horn sound. Most cars offer the option to use a visual signal.

Owners can lock a car and arm its security system without use of any signal, but this feature is rarely discussed when buying a car. With some cars, remote start, stages of battery charging, and stages of filling a tire with air use a horn signal. Some brands have incorporated horn sounds to signify that the engine is running when its driver has left the car.

Many people are unaware of acoustic vehicle signals, or the fact that some horn sounds are emitted from parked cars. Awareness may occur after buying a car or when walking in front of a car that is being locked. When one’s home faces a parking lot or street parking, sleep disruption can occur, and annoyance can affect the ability to return to sleep.

This study was conducted to explore common experiences related to sleep disruption caused by remote horn signaling, using content analysis of online complaints posted in discussion forums and forums created by car owners who want to disable the sound. The study uses a database that was compiled as part of a noise activism endeavor called the Silence the Horns project.


In complaint forum posts, remote horn signals are described as a source of sleep disruption, reduced quality of life, annoyance, and emotional and physical stress responses. Other concerns include hearing health, safety, and legal considerations. Posts can provide useful information, even as some authors introduce a degree of antagonism. [1]

Car owner forum posts are practical. Authors may not mention a reason for wanting to eliminate the horn sound, but when they do, concerns include general consideration for neighbors, specific concerns about sleep disruption of a family member or neighbor, and embarrassment about creating a sound that brings attention. Authors are helpful, often post in other auto topic forums, and set a friendly tone. [2]

Online forum data will continue to be added to the database throughout 2019. It is hoped that auto industry stakeholders might consider sleep disruption to be an important unintended consequence of horn use with lock confirmation in future car models.

If passed, proposed Senate bill S.543, the Protecting Americans from the Risks of Keyless Ignition Technology Act, would protect consumers from the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning related to cars inadvertently left with the engine running. [3, 4] Stakeholders should be aware that consumers are eliminating horn sounds that automakers implemented to discourage leaving a car with the engine running.


[1] ParaPundit forum, Locking A Car With A Short Horn Blast Is Rude and Obnoxious

[2] GM-VOLT: Chevy Volt Electric Car Site, Suppress option for Charging Honk

[3] Blumenthal announces legislation to protect against CO and rollaway risk raised by keyless cars

[4] S.543 – PARK IT Act

1pNS2 – Soundscape, traffic safety, and requirements for public health

Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp – b.schulte-fortkamp@tu-berlin.de

Technical University Berlin
Psychoacoustics and Noise Effects
Einsteinufer 25
10587 Berlin -Germany

Popular version of paper 1pNS2
Monday, May 13, 2019
177th ASA Meeting in Louisville, KY

When you think about your safety and health with regard to road traffic you may not immediately think about avoidable noise pollution. But: The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a new Noise Guideline for the European Region in October 2018. The focus is set on health effects caused by noise from different sources whereby as transportation noise as road traffic-, railway- and aircraft-noise play the major role.

The use of environmentally friendly electrical vehicles can for sure decrease the road traffic noise pollution as a contribution to public health.  But for safety reason which it is of course also a public health issue there is also policy action for regulations of the use of alert signals.  There is a worldwide consideration about how this could may be counterproductive to a harmonic and healthy soundscape or even support those.

(Regulation (EU) No 540/2014 of the European Parliament 2018, U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 2018,  Japan Guidelines on Electric vehicle warning sounds 2010)

Soundscape is the new way to understand people’s reaction to the sounds of the world. Soundscape is a construct of human perception that must be understood as a relationship between human beings, acoustic environments, and society. Our focus in this field is here on co-creation in acoustics, architecture, medicine, and urban planning.  It is combined with analysis, advice, and feedback from the ‘users of any acoustic environment as the primary ‘experts’ of any environment – to find creative and responsive solutions for protection of living areas and to enhance the quality of life.

The Soundscape concept is introduced as a scope to rethink the evaluation of noise pollution. The challenge is to account for the perceptual dimension and to consider the limits of acoustic measurements.

Figure 1– The recent international standard ISO 12913-1,2,3 Acoustics – Soundscape
soundscape soundscape soundscape

Figure 2 – Definition of Soundscape
– acoustic environment as perceived or experienced and/or understood by people, in context.

Soundscape as defined in 2014 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Figure 3 – Elements in the perceptual construct of soundscape

The context includes the interrelationships between person and activity and place, in space and time. The context may influence soundscape through (1) the auditory sensation, (2) the interpretation of auditory sensation, and (3) the responses to the acoustic environment

The contribution of Soundscape (research) regarding public health means to focus on the perception as a key issue. With Soundscape it is suggested to exploring noise in its complexity and its ambivalence.  Soundscape studies investigate and find increasingly better ways to measure and hone the acoustic environment.

Figure 4 – Soundscape studies

Figure 5 – Soundscape model including quality of life and health

Otherwise, the new technology in the development of electrical vehicles causes policy action with regulations calling for safety reasons. Regulations and needs have to be considered with respect to the public health recommendations on exposure to environmental noise and soundscapes.

There have to be solutions that follow the need outlined in the WHO guidelines to “provide robust public health advice underpinned by evidence, which is essential to drive policy action that will protect communities from the adverse effects of noise”.

The process of tuning of urban areas with respect to the expertise of people’s mind and quality of life is related to the strategy of co-creation and provides the theoretical frame with regard to the solution of e.g. the change in an area. In other words: Approaching the field on traffic safety and public health in this holistic manner is generally needed.

To establish the Soundscape concept and the Soundscape approach, there is the need to advise the respective local actors and stakeholders in communities to using the resources given with respect to future generations and socio-cultural, aesthetic and economic effects as well. It was widely discussed in earlier publications that a platform is needed for stakeholders for co-creation and find common decisions. Moreover, the current approach within the standardization of Soundscapes have provided a big step towards enhancing the quality of life for people.

WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region (2018)

  1. Kang, J., B. Schulte-Fortkamp (Eds.) Soundscape and the built environment, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton. (2016)
  2. Schulte-Fortkamp, (2013). Soundscape – a matter of human resources, Internoise 2013, Proc., Innsbruck, Austria
  3. Schulte-Fortkamp, J. Kang (editors) Special Issue on Soundscape, JASA 2012
  4. Kang, J., Aletta, F., Gjestland, T.T., Brown, L.A., Botteldooren, D., Schulte-Fortkamp, B., Lercher, P., Kamp, I.van., Genuit, K., Fiebig, A., Bento
  5. Coelho, L., Maffei, L., Lavia, L., (2016). Ten questions on the soundscapes of the built environment, Building and Environment, Vol. 108 (1), 284-294
  6. M. Schafer, “The Soundscape. Our sonic environment and the tuning of the world.” Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books, (1977).
  7. Hollstein, “Qualitative approaches to social reality: the search for meaning” in: John Scott & Peter J. Carrington (Eds.): Sage handbook of social network analysis. London/New Delhi: Sage. (2012)
  8. Hiramatsu, “Soundscape: The Concept and Its Significance in Acoustics,” Proc. ICA, Kyoto, 2004.
  9. Fiebig, B. Schulte-Fortkamp, K. Genuit, „New options for the determination of environmental noise quality”, 35th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering INTER-NOISE 2006, 04.-06.December 2006, Honolulu, HI.
  10. Lercher, B. Schulte-Fortkamp, “Soundscape and community noise annoyance in the context of environmental impact assessments,” Proc. INTER-NOISE 2003, 2815-2824, (2003).
  11. Schulte-Fortkamp, D. Dubois: (editors) Acta Acustica united with Acustica, Special Issue, Recent advances in Soundscape research, Vol 92 (6), (2006).
  12. Regulation (EU) No 540/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on the sound level of motor vehicles and of replacement silencing systems, and amending Directive 2007/46/EC and repealing Directive 70/157/EEC (OJ L 158, 27.5.2014)
  13. Regulation No 138 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE) — Uniform provisions concerning the approval of Quiet Road Transport Vehicles with regard to their reduced audibility [2017/71] (OJ L 9, 13.1.2017)

1aNS6 – Weather or not: Meteorology affects presence of shock waves in fighter aircraft noise

Kent Gee – kentgee@byu.edu
Brent Reichman – brent.reichman@gmail.com
Brigham Young University
N283 Eyring Science Center
Provo, UT 84602

Alan Wall – alan.wall.4@us.af.mil
Air Force Research Laboratory
2610 Seventh Street, Bldg 441
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433

Popular version of paper 1aNS6 Meteorological effects on long-range nonlinear propagation of jet noise from a static, high-performance military aircraft
Presented Monday morning, Nov. 5, 2018
176th ASA Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia
Read the article in Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics

The sound of a fighter jet aircraft as it takes off or flies by at high power is unique, in part, because of “crackle.” Crackle, described as sounding like tearing paper or static from a poorly connected loudspeaker, is considered an annoying and dominant part of the overall aircraft noise.  Crackle can be heard several times in this YouTube video of an F-35 at the Paris Air Show.

What causes crackle? This distinct sound quality is caused by shock waves being embedded in the noise radiated from the high-thrust exhaust, which leaves the jet engine traveling much faster than the speed of sound.  These supersonic jet plumes create intense noise levels, such that the noise travels nonlinearly and the speed of sound is no longer independent of sound amplitude.  Faster-traveling, high-pressure parts of the compressive sound wave overtake slower-traveling, low-pressure parts of the wave, creating shock waves that form more readily with increasing sound level. The below animation shows the formation of discontinuous shock waves as part of nonlinear propagation, and the accompanying sound files reveal how nonlinear propagation and shock formation turn a smooth-sounding noise signal into one that contains significant crackle.

This paper describes how shock waves in jet aircraft noise can be affected by local weather changes.  As the shocks travel through the atmosphere, they slowly dissipate.  But, the wind and temperature profiles near the ground can greatly change shock characteristics and, therefore, the crackle heard from a military jet aircraft.  Recent noise measurements of tied-down F-35 aircraft help to describe these changes.  The noise recordings were made at microphones at several distances and angles, but as far as 4000 ft away from the aircraft.  While measurements made short distances from the aircraft show only small differences in shock characteristics with changing temperature and wind, data collected at greater distances than 1000 ft reveal much greater sensitivity to local meteorology.  At 2000 and 4000 ft, cranes were used to elevate microphones as high as 100 ft in the air, and the recordings showed something surprising.  Not only did the sound levels and shock characteristics vary greatly with height, but in some cases the shock content increased with decreasing sound level. This finding conflicts with the usual behavior of nonlinear sound waves.

These results show that nonlinear propagation of jet noise through real atmospheric conditions is more complex than previously anticipated.  More broadly, this study also points to the need to investigate in greater detail how the shock waves and crackle present in jet noise can be impacted by small weather changes. Improved predictions of received noise, including crackle, will help military bases plan aircraft operations to minimize community impact.

Acknowledgment: These measurements were funded by the F-35 Joint Program Office. Distribution A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. Cleared 11/2/2018; JSF18-1022. 

4pNSa4 – Inciting our children to turn their music down: the “Age of Your Ear” concept

Jeremie Voix
Romain Dumoulin
École de technologie supérieure, Université du Québec, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

Popular version of paper 4pNSa4, “Inciting our children to turn their music down: the AYE concept.”
Presented Thu, Nov 08   1:45pm – 2:00pm in SALON C (VCC)
176th Meeting Acoustical Society of America and 2018 Acoustics Week in Canada (Canadian Acoustical Association) at the Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria, BC, Canada

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1.1 billion people are currently at risk of losing their hearing due to excessive exposure to noise. Of this, a significant proportion consists of children, youth and young adults who are exposing themselves to excessive levels of sound through various leisure activities (music players, concerts, movies at the theatre, dance clubs, etc.).

Existing solutions
To address this issue, many approaches have been developed, ranging from general awareness messages to volume limiters on personal music players. For instance, the recent “Make listening safe” [1] initiative from WHO aims at gathering all stakeholders, public health authorities, and manufacturers to define and develop a consolidated approach to limit these non-occupational sound exposures, based on dosimetry. Indeed, significant efforts have been put into the idea of assessing directly on a PMP (personal music player) the individual noise dose, i.e. the product of the sound pressure level  and the duration, induced during music listening.

Need to find a better way to sensitize the users
While many technical issues are still actively discussed in some related standards, a major concern arose with regards to the message communicated to the end-users. End-users need to be educated on the risk of noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) and its irreversibility, but at the same time they also need to be made aware that NIHL is 100% preventable pending safe listening practices are followed.

More importantly, end users have to be left with an appealing noise dose measurement. In that regard, expressing equivalent sound pressure level in decibels (dB) or the noise dose in percentage (%) is of little value given the complexity of one and the abstraction of the other. But communicating about the dangers of music playback is definitely something very new for most of the hearing conservation specialists and communicating with this particular group of youth is only adding to the difficulty.

Our approach
In the quest for a meaningful message to pass to these young end users, this article introduces a new metric, the “Age of Your Ears” (AYE), that is an indication of the predicted extra aging caused by the excessive noise dose each user is exposed to. To perform such prediction, a multi-regression statistical model was developed based on normative data found in ISO 1999 [2] standard. This way, an AYE value can be computed for each subject, using only his age, sex and sound exposure, to represent the possible acceleration of aging caused by excessive music listening, as illustrated in Fig. 1.

Age of Your Ear

Fig. 1: While hearing will normally worsen because of the natural aging process (dotted black line), this ageing can be dramatically accelerated because of over-exposure to noise (solid color lines).

In a world where personal musical players are ubiquitous, and have also been putting hearing at risk, it is interesting to see them as potential tool, not only to address the issues they created, but also for raising awareness on the dangers of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss at large.

The proposed AYE metric will be first implemented in a measurement manikin setup that is currently under development at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology, housed at the Schulich School of Music at McGill University (CIRMMT). This setup, further described in [3], is inspired by the “Jolene” manikin developed though the “Dangerous Decibels” program [4]. The resulting measurement kiosk will be complemented by a smartphone-based measurement app that will enable musicians to assess their entire noise exposure. It is hoped that the proposed AYE metric will be relevant and simple enough to have a beneficial impact on everyone’s safe hearing practices.

[1] WHO – Make Listening Safe- http://www.who.int/deafness/activities/mls/en/.

[2] ISO 1999:2013 – Acoustics – Estimation of noise-induced hearing loss, 2013.

[3] Jérémie Voix, Romain Dumoulin, Julia Levesque, and Guilhem Viallet. Inciting our children to turn their music down : the AYE proposal and implementation. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics , volume Paper 3007868, Victoria, BC, Canada, 2018. Acoustical Society of America.

[4] Dangerous Decibels – JOLENE – http://dangerousdecibels.org/jolene




2pNS3 – Love thy (Gym) Neighbour – A Case Study on Noise Mitigation for Specialty Fitness Centres

Brigette Martin – martin@bkl.ca
BKL Consultants Ltd.
#308-1200 Lynn Valley Road
North Vancouver, BC V7J 2A2

Paul Marks – marks@bkl.ca
BKL Consultants Ltd.
#308-1200 Lynn Valley Road
North Vancouver, BC V7J 2A2

Popular version of paper “Specialty fitness centres – a case study
Presented November 5, 2018
176th ASA Meeting, Victoria, BC, Canada

Please keep in mind that the research described in this Lay Language Paper may not have yet been peer reviewed.

The sudden rise of group fitness rooms, CrossFit, and spin cycling studios in the community over the last decade is undeniable.  These specialty fitness centres can be located in mixed-use buildings (adjacent to either residential areas or retail stores), emitting a level of noise that can be obtrusive to their neighbours. Many specialty fitness centres have been proactive in ensuring they meet the appropriate noise standards by seeking support from acousticians. This exploratory paper considers the noise levels for various popular specialty fitness centres and outlines noise mitigation options for each one.

Multi-purpose group fitness rooms are versatile in the activities they host, including weight classes that use regular high-impact activities to improve anaerobic fitness. Often, these sounds are accompanied by music blasting through loudspeakers suspended from the ceiling. In one circumstance, a building landlord engaged our team to conduct sound level measurements at their group fitness room to determine noise transmission to adjacent residential apartments. After simulating impact activities (e.g. people jumping, the dropping of 20-lb kettle bells and sandbags) on seven different potential floor build-ups and quantifying sound levels played in group fitness rooms, we were able to determine noise mitigation options that achieved the landlord’s level of acceptability. This included the implementation of isolated flooring and maintaining music levels within an acceptable threshold.

Combining aspects of running, weightlifting and gymnastics, CrossFit spaces are unquestionably noisy. In order to lessen the audibility of noise to adjoining office spaces, our team was asked by a CrossFit space’s landlord to undertake measurements and a noise assessment. Together, we worked on a noise management plan for the CrossFit gym, employing a number of measures to control noise impacts including the use of additional cushioned matting, dedicated lifting platforms, and an outline of noise control measures. Mitigation included a combination of installing acoustical treatments and management procedures limiting the types of activities in the gym.

With amplified music and enthusiastic instructors constantly cheering on rows of avid cyclists, spin classes have sound levels that are comparable to nightclubs. These can be adjacent to general offices, retail spaces or even residential apartments. Solutions for these types of spaces have including limiting the noise level or “bassbeat” in the studio, providing masking noise in the adjacent space, or increasing the sound isolation of the demising wall or shared floor/ceiling assemblies.

In an effort to address numerous noise complaints, we left an unattended sound analyzer to capture noise levels in an adjacent retail space during spin classes and times without classes. We determined that it is ultimately the bass noise level content that is the most audible part to the retail unit occupants during spin classes and recommended that spin studio additionally control bass sounds to ameliorate the intrusive effects.

While a “one-size-fits-all” solution does not necessarily exist for all specialty fitness centres, it is clear that by being proactive, fitness centres can better control noise emitted to adjacencies by including measures to mitigate the effects within their original studio designs.

4aNS11 – Lombard Effect In Restaurant Setting: How Much Would You Spend To Eat At This Restaurant?

Pasquale Bottalico – pb81@illinois.edu

University of Illinois – Department of Speech and Hearing Science
901 South 6th Street
Champaign, IL 61820

Popular version of paper 4aNS11, “Lombard Effect In Restaurant Setting: How Much Would You Spend To Eat At This Restaurant?”
Presented Thursday morning, November 8, 2018, 11:40-12:00 AM, SALON C (VCC)
Joint Meeting 176th ASA Meeting and 2018 Acoustics Week in Canada (CAA), Victoria BC, Canada

This study was conducted to determine the exact point when the noise in a restaurant setting causes vocal discomfort for customers. Another aim of the study was to identify customers’ willingness to spend time and money in a restaurant depending on the varying noise level in the environment.

According to the 2016 Zagat State of American Dining report, 25 percent of restaurant customers consider noise the most irritating component of dining out (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Results from the 2016 National Dining Trends survey of Zagat

The Lombard effect is when speakers unconsciously increase the loudness level of their speech in the presence of background noise in order to be understood. This requires increased vocal effort and can cause vocal fatigue over time. In a restaurant setting particularly, background noise created by other patrons’ conversations is more likely to trigger the Lombard effect than other types of background noise [1] (Figure 2). Previous studies have demonstrated that uncomfortably loud levels of background noise can result in decreased customer satisfaction and business for the restaurant [2, 3].

Figure 2. Example of a noisy restaurant

The Lombard effect has been investigated in a variety of environmental settings with different types and levels of background noise.  However, little is known about the level of background noise that will cause the Lombard effects in restaurant settings.

Fourteen male and 14 female college students with normal hearing were recruited to participate in the study. They read passages to a listener in the presence of typical restaurant noise (as in the attached audio clip) with the level varying between 35 dBA and 85 dBA. Participants were instructed to be sure that the listener could understand them equally well in each condition. (Figure 3)

Lombard Effect

Figure 3. Experimental setup







Restaurant noise

For each noise condition, the participants were then instructed to answer questions about the disturbance they perceived from the noise, how long they would enjoy spending time in this restaurant setting, and how much money they would spend at this restaurant.

The results showed that both participant vocal effort and disturbance increased as the background noise level increased. Reported willingness to spend time and money at a restaurant decreased as the background noise level increased. The participants started to be disturbed at noise levels higher than 52.2 dB(A) (Figure 4, blue line). Because of the disturbance in the communication, participant vocal effort increased at a doubled rate as the background noise level increased (Figure 4, red line) for noise levels higher 57.3 dB(A) (approximately the level of normal conversational speech). Similar noise levels to the one that starts the communication disturbance (51.3 dB(A) and 52.5 dB(A)) also trigger a decrease in the willingness to spend time and money in a restaurant (Figure 4, green and yellow lines). In conclusion, to improve the acoustic environment of restaurants, background noise levels should be lower than 50-55 dB(A). This will minimize the vocal effort of patrons and the disturbance in their communication. Concurrently, this will increase business for the restaurant since patrons would be willing to spend more time and money to eat in a restaurant with a background noise lower than 50-55 dB(A).

Figure 4. Relationship between the level of the noise in dB(A) and self-reported communication disturbance (blue line), relative voice level (red line), willingness to spend time (green line) and willingness to spend money (yellow line), where the error bands indicate the standard error. Vertical dashed lines mark the change-points.

[1]A. Astolfi and M. Filippi, “Good acoustical quality in restaurants: a comparison between speech intelligibility and privacy,” in Proceedings of EuroNoise (2003).

[2] C. C. Novak, J. La Lopa, and R. E. Novak, “Effects of sound pressure levels and sensitivity to noise on mood and behavioral intent in a controlled fine dining restaurant environment,” Journal of Culinary Science & Technology 8(4), 191-218 (2010).

[3] W. O. Olsen, “Average speech levels and spectra in various speaking/listening conditions: A summary of the Pearson, Bennett, & Fidell (1977) report,” American Journal of Audiology 7(2), 21-25 (1998).