Popular Social Media Posts – May

The month of May has flown by! Let’s look back at some content that captured the attention of the acoustics community on different social media platforms. These posts sparked engagement and ignited discussions around acoustics research!

First up, a JASA post on Facebook highlighted a paper that presents the most complete description currently available of how femininity and masculinity in a voice is manifested in the acoustic signal. Read the article at https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0025932.

Social Media Facebook May


Over on Instagram, an image featuring the ASA Press cover of The Science of Musical Sound Volume 1: Stringed Instruments, Pipe Organs, and the Human Voice received over 45 likes. You can get the book at https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-92796-1.

Social Media Instagram May


Then, folks on LinkedIn liked the post highlighting ASA awardees’ publications. Read the Propagations blog post at https://acoustics.org/asa-spring-award-recipients-publications/.

Social Media LinkedIn May


Lastly, on the JASA Express Letters Twitter (X) account, a post about the paper “Predicting underwater acoustic transmission loss in the SOFAR channel from ray trajectories via deep learning” got a lot of love. Read it at https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0025976.

Social Media Twitter May

Twitter (X)

Be sure to like and follow our accounts for publications news and updates!

Call for Papers for JASA and JASA Express Letters

JASA Special Issue call for papers

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA) and JASA Express Letters are calling for papers for joint Special Issues.

Authors have the option to select which journal they would like to submit a paper to for a Special Issue. Accepted papers will be published in the next available regular issue of the selected journal and identified as belonging to the Special Issue. After all papers have published for the Special Issue, they will be included in a cross-journal online collection at the JASA and JASA Express Letters websites.

The following are open call for papers for joint Special Issues. Information on current call for papers are always available here: JASA and JASA Express Letters

Assessing Sediment Heterogeneity on Continental Shelves and Slopes
This Special Issue presents recent advances in experimental measurements, theoretical models, and application of information-based signal processing and machine learning to assess the degree to which seabed heterogeneity can be characterized. …Read More!
Guest Editors: David Knobles, Preston Wilson, Tracianne Neilsen, Ying Tsong Lin
Deadline: July 1, 2024


Advances in Soundscape: Emerging Trends and Challenges in Research and Practice
This Special Issue invites submissions that focus on the human perception of sounds in built or natural environments, or the impacts that human activities can have on those, and help advancing the field either theoretically or methodologically. …Read More!
Guest Editors: Francesco Aletta, Bhan Lam, Cynthia Tarlao, Tin Oberman, Andrew Mitchell
Deadline: July 31, 2024


Active and Tunable Acoustic Metamaterials
This Special Issue invites all manuscripts exploring new active and tunable acoustic or elastodynamic metamaterials. …Read More!
Guest Editors: Michael R. Haberman, Christina Naify, Bogdan Popa, Serife Tol
Deadline: September 30, 2024


Climate Change: How the Sound of the Planet Reflects the Health of the Planet
Recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis, this Special Issue invites papers investigating efforts to monitor and mitigate the environmental, economic, and social disruption threatened by an increasingly warm planet. …Read More!
Guest Editors: Megan S. Ballard, Edward J. Walsh, Lauren A. Freeman, Daniel T. Blumstein, Ying Tsong Lin
Deadline: December 31, 2024


Wave phenomena in Periodic, Near-Periodic, and Locally Resonant Systems
This Special Issue presents recent advances on periodic, near-periodic, and locally resonant vibroacoustic systems, covering fundamental aspects of the theory of multiple wave scattering to experimental studies that demonstrate performance and potential applications of the systems. …Read More!
Guest Editors: Vladislav Sorokin, Luke Bennetts, Nicole Kessissoglou, Alex Skvortsov
Deadline: December 31, 2024


Special Issue: Advanced Air Mobility Noise: Predictions, Measurements, and Perception
This Special Issue covers tools, technologies, ground/flight testing, human response and metrics, and regulation and policy related to advanced air mobility (AAM) vehicle noise. …Read More!
Guest Editors: Matthew Boucher, Alexandra Loubeau, Beckett Zhou, Eric Greenwood, Damiano Casalino
Deadline: February 28, 2025

April 2024 JASA Express Letters Cover

The April JASA Express Letters cover features a photo of a moose, taken by Remington J. Moll, one of the coauthors of the article, “Characteristics of wild moose (Alces alces) vocalizations.” Other authors on the article include Alex Zager, Sonja Ahlberg, Olivia Boyan, Jocelyn Brierley, Valerie Eddington, and Laura N. Kloepper. The article discusses vocalizations of moose, which are actually understudied acoustically!

This month’s issue had a few Editor’s Picks:

Browse the rest of the issue at https://pubs.aip.org/asa/jel/issue/4/4.

JASA Express Letters cover

Machine Listening: Making Speech Recognition Systems More Inclusive

Machine Listening: Making Speech Recognition Systems More Inclusive

Study explores how African American English speakers adapt their speech to be understood by voice technology.

Speech Recognition

African American English speakers adjust rate and pitch based on audience. Credit: Michelle Cohn, Zion Mengesha, Michal Lahav, and Courtney Heldreth

WASHINGTON, April 30, 2024 – Interactions with voice technology, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Google Assistant, can make life easier by increasing efficiency and productivity. However, errors in generating and understanding speech during interactions are common. When using these devices, speakers often style-shift their speech from their normal patterns into a louder and… click to read more

From: JASA Express Letters
Article: African American English speakers’ pitch variation and rate adjustments for imagined technological and human addressees
DOI: 10.1121/10.0025484