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Popular version of paper 2pAB1
Presented Tuesday afternoon, November 6, 2018
176th ASA Meeting, Victoria, BC, Canada
Ultrasound plays a pivotal role in the life of bats, since the animals rely on echoes triggered by their ultrasonic biosonar pulses as their primary source of information on their environments.
However, air is far from an ideal medium for sound propagation since it subjects the waves to severe absorption that dissipates sound energy into heat. Because absorption gets a lot worse with increasing frequency, the ultrasonic frequencies of bats are particularly effected by this and the operation range of bat biosonar is just a few meters for typical sensing tasks.
Absorption limits the highest ultrasonic frequencies that the bats can operate on. This has consequences for the ability of the animals to concentrate the acoustic energy they emit or receive in narrow beams. Forming a narrow beam requires a sonar emitter/receiver that is much larger than the wavelength. Being small mammals, bat have not been able to evolve ears that are much larger (i.e., 2 or 3 orders of magnitude) than the ultrasonic wavelengths of their biosonar systems and hence have fairly wide beams (e.g., 60 degrees or wider).
Figure 1. Ultrasonic pulses followed by their echo trains that where created by a robot that mimics the biosonar system of horseshoe in a forest.
For bat species that navigate and hunt in dense vegetation, a broad sonar beam means that the animals receive a lot of “clutter” echoes from the surrounding vegetation. These clutter echoes are likely to drown out informative echoes related to important the presence of prey or passage ways.
Figure 2. Biomimetic robot mimicking the biosonar system of horseshoe bats.
Given these basic acoustical conditions, it appears that bat biosonar should be a complete disaster, but in reality the opposite is the case. Bats are the second most species-rich group of mammals (after rodents) and have successfully conquered a diverse set of habitats and food sources based on a combination of active biosonar and flapping flight. Hence, a narrow focus on standard sonar parameters like beamwidth, signal-to-noise ratio, resolution, etc. may not be the right direction to understand the biosonar skills of bats. To remedy this situation, we have created a robot that mimics the biosonar system of horseshoe bats. The robot is currently being used to collect large numbers of echoes from natural environments to create a data basis to identify non-standard informative echo features using machine learning methods.
Kathryn A. McGowan – Saint Mary’s College Le Mans Hall, 149 Notre Dame, IN 46556
Presented Tuesday afternoon, November 6, 2018 176th ASA Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia
Bats use echolocation, or biological sonar, to make an auditory picture of their environment when foraging and avoiding obstacles in flight (1). To echolocate, bats emit a loud, high-pitched sound using their mouth or nose. The sound bounces off an object and returns to the bat as an echo, providing each individual with information about the object characteristics and location. While echolocation allows for the detection and discrimination of targets, the high-pitched frequency sounds that bats emit when echolocating provide a limited range of information (2). Despite being known for flying at night, some bats spend only a part of their time flying in complete darkness, suggesting that they may also rely on vision to supplement their echolocation in environments that have more light (2, 3). Previous studies have demonstrated that vision in bats influences flight behavior, which suggests bats may combine vision and echolocation to sense their environment (2). It is, therefore, accepted that bats are not blind, as the common phrase suggests, but little is known about how vision influences the way bats use echolocation.
Figure 1. Swarm of Brazilian free-tailed bats flying during daylight hours after emergence. Photo Credit – Dr. Laura Kloepper, 2018
The Brazilian free-tailed bat migrates annually from Mexico to form large maternal colonies in caves in the Southwestern United States (2). These bats forage for insects in flight and emerge from the cave in groups of thousands for nightly foraging. The bats return to the cave in the early hours of the morning, requiring them to navigate back to their complex cave environment across a vast, open landscape. This reentry occurs across periods of complete darkness as well as early morning hours when ambient light is present. This suggests that bats have the option of using both echolocation and visual cues to navigate their environment in hours of daylight. Our research addresses how bats change their echolocation calls from an open environment to the more complex cave edge environment, and how the presence of daylight may influence their level of echolocation when accomplishing this feat.
Figure 2. Spectrogram image of a sequence of bat echolocation calls recorded at the cave environment.
Compared to the calls used over a vast landscape, bats at the cave edge used more complex calls that gathered more precise information about that environment. During hours of daylight, however, these calls collected less precise information than hours of darkness. As less information was gathered acoustically by bats during daylight hours, it is likely that bats are getting information from visual cues once daybreak occurs. This supplementing of vision for echolocation indicates that despite what the phrases say, bats are not blind.
Video 1. Bats emerging for foraging during early dusk.
Moss, C. F., & Surlykke, A. 2010. Probing the natural scene by echolocation in bats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 4: 33.
Mistry, S. 1990. Characteristics of the visually guided escape response of the Mexican free-tailed bat Tadarida BrasiliensisAnimal Behavior 39: 314-320.
Davis, W.H., Barbour, R.W. 1965. The use of vision in flight by the bat Myotis sodalis. The American Midland Naturalist 74: 497–499.
Youenn Jézéquel1, Julien Bonnel2, Jennifer Coston-Guarini1, Jean Marc Guarini1, Laurent Chauvaud1
1Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Environnement Marin, UBO, CNRS, IRD, Ifremer, LIA BeBEST, UMR 6539, rue Dumont D’Urville, 29280 Plouzané, France 2Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA
Session 1 pAB, Fish and Marine Invertebrate Bioacoustics II Buzzing sounds as a mean of intra species-specific communication during agonistic encounters in male European lobsters (Homarus gammarus)?
An important application of marine ecological knowledge today is designing new indicators of marine ecosystems’ health. Passive acoustics, which simply consists on listening to sounds, is promising because it is non invasive and non destructive. However to develop passive acoustics as a tool for monitoring, we need to identify sound-emitting species with high potential for this type of application. Then, the sounds need to be analysed and and understood within their ecological context. In the coastal waters of Brittany (France), crustaceans would seem to be good study model, because they emit a wide range of sounds and also have a high commercial and cultural importance.
Figure 1: The European lobster (Homarus gammarus). Photographer: E. Amice (CNRS)
My PhD research, is focussed on the European lobster (Homarus gammarus, Figure 1). In our first study, we have shown that when stressed, the European lobster produces a species-specific sound that we call a “buzz” (Jézéquel et al. 2018, insert link for sound file). These sounds are characteristic low frequency and continuous sounds. We have shown that they are similar to those produced by the American lobster, but we .
While no studies have described the behaviours of the European lobster with ethograms (sequences of observed behaviours during behavioural experiments), there is a large literature on behaviours of American lobsters. Researchers have found that male American lobsters use agonistic encounters through aggressive behaviours to establish dominance between individuals (Figure 2A).
Figure 2: Agonsitic encounters between male American lobsters (A) (Atema and Voigt 1995) and male European lobsters (B) (Photographer: Y. Jézéquel, Université de Bretagne Occidentale)
This allows them to gain access more easily to shelters and suitable mates during reproduction periods. These researchers have also shown that visual and chemical signals are used, but no studies have reported the use of sounds during these events to communicate. In our study, we have done agonistic encounters with male European lobsters to understand if they use sounds as a mean of intra species-specific communication (Figure2B).
Our results show that male European lobsters use a highly complex panel of behaviours, from physical display to aggressive claw contact, in order to establish dominance. Once the dominant and submissive individuals are determined, they each adopt different behaviours: the “winners” (dominants) continue physical and aggressive displays toward the submissive individuals that attempt to escape from their opponent’s presence.
During these experiments, we did not record buzzing sounds, probably because of the poor propagation of low frequencies (like those of the buzzing sounds) in the experimental tanks. We concluded that this could explain the non detection of these sounds by the hydrophones installed for the experiments (Jézéquel et al. 2018).
The mechanism of sound production in both American and European lobsters is known: they contract rapidly internal muscles located at the base of their antennas to vibrate their carapace which produces the buzzing sound. We completed a new series of agonistic encounters with male European lobsters, but this time adding high frequency sampling accelerometers on their carapace. The accelerometery data clearly showed that European lobsters vibrated their carapace during agonistic encounters (with up to 90 vibration episodes per 15 minutes of experiment per individual), but their associated buzzing sounds were not recorded with hydrophones. Carapace vibrations were emitted by both dominant and submissive individuals, even if submissive individuals produced significantly more vibration episodes than dominant ones. These vibrations were associated to particular behaviours such as physical display and fleeing.
We have shown for the first time that male European lobsters exhibit complex, rapid patterns of movements during agonistic encounters that include carapace vibration episodes. However during these events, the reactions of the receivers toward these signals remain unclear. We remain uncertain if the lobsters “sense” the carapace vibrations or their associated buzzing sounds in the experimental tanks.
Even if it is too soon yet to talk about a new type of communication in crustaceans, we have shown that buzzing sounds might have a role in the intra species-specific interactions displayed during agonistic encounters between male European lobsters. Field experiments with better sound propagation conditions are in progress to determine if these sounds are indeed used as a mean of communication (Figure 3).
Figure 3:Bioacoustic experiments conducted in cages in coastal waters with European lobsters. Photographer: E. Amice (CNRS)
Marla Holt –, NOAA NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center Brad Hanson –, NOAA NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center Candice Emmons –, NOAA NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center Jennifer Tennessen –, Lynker Technologies Deborah Giles –, University of Washington Friday Harbor Labs Jeffery Hogan –, Cascadia Research Collective
Popular version of paper 4aAB8, “Effects of vessels and noise on the subsurface behavior of endangered killer whales (Orcinus orca)” Presented Thursday morning, November 8, 2018, 10:00-10:15 AM, Shaughnessy (FE) 176th ASA Meeting, Victoria, BC
Southern Resident killer whales are unique and iconic to the Pacific Northwest. They are also among the most endangered marine mammals in the world.
Researchers have identified three main threats to the recovery of Southern Residents: 1.) availability of prey, 2.) vessel noise and traffic, and 3.) chemical pollutants. Unlike transient killer whales that prey on marine mammals such as seals, Southern Residents prey on fish.
Like all killer whales, Southern Residents use echolocation, a process of producing short sound pulses that bounce off objects to detect and identify things in the water, including their preferred prey, Chinook salmon. But vessel traffic can disrupt the whales’ behavior and radiated noise from vessels can mask echolocation signals the whales use for hunting. This crowded and noisy environment can make it more difficult for hungry whales to find and catch their prey.
For the past several years, we have been working to better understand the effect that vessel traffic and underwater noise is having on individual whales. We have done this by placing suction-cup tags on several members of the Southern Resident population. These digital acoustic recording tags, or DTAGs, contain two underwater microphones to record sound along with pressure, accelerometer and magnetometer sensors that allow us to re-create whale movement [1], much like an activity tracker in your watch or smart phone.
When whales were tagged, we collected GPS data on all nearby vessels and took observations of the whale’s feeding behavior. When possible we also collected any scraps left behind after a feeding event to better understand how the whales make their catch and what they are eating.
Over the past four years, we have deployed 28 DTAGs, yielding a rich set of acoustic and movement data. So far, we have found:
Unsurprisingly, the DTAGs measured higher noise levels when there are more vessels around and when the vessels are moving fast [2].
The frequencies of sounds emitted by vessels overlapped with the echolocation frequencies that the whales use to hunt fish.
Additionally, we could differentiate different foraging activities from the acoustic and movement record, including when the whales used echolocation signals to search and pursue fish, fast rolls and jerks during fish chases, and the detection of crunching sounds from eating after fish kills.
Figure 1. A Southern Resident killer whale with a suction-cup attached DTAG. Photo taken by Candice Emmons under NOAA NMFS issued Research Permit No. 781-1824.
These results allowed us to identify different phases of foraging and determine how vessels and/or noise affect the whales’ behavior and their ability to catch fish. This work, along with a comparative investigation involving DTAG data from Northern Resident killer whales, a fisheating population that is growing steadily, is improving our understanding of these killer whale populations.
This improved understanding is informing killer whale conservation and management measures, including assessing the effectiveness of vessel regulations for killer whales in the U.S. [3]. Additionally, the Pacific Whale Watch Association’s updated guidelines include a slow zone around killer whales because recent research showed that speed is the biggest factor in how much noise reaches the whales. Science is informing real change for the benefit of the whales.
Fig 2 Video: Legend can read, “An animation of the track of a tagged whale and all of the boats around it during an entire tag deployment. The whale track is shown by the thicker pale yellow line and each vessel track is connected by a thin line.” Animation prepared by Damon Holzer of NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center.
[1] M. P. Johnson and P. L. Tyack, “A digital acoustic recording tag for measuring the response of wild marine mammals to sound,” IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, vol 28, pp. 3-12, 2003.
[2] M. M. Holt, M. B Hanson, D. A. Giles, C. K. Emmons, and J. T. Hogan “Noise levels received by endangered killer whales Orcinus orca before and after implementation of vessel regulations” Endangered Species Research, vol. 34, pp. 15-26, 2017.
[3] G. A. Ferrara, T. M. Mongillo, and L. M. Barre “Reducing disturbance from vessels to Southern Resident killer whales: Assessing the effectiveness of the 2011 federal regulations in advancing recovery goals.” NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-58, 76 pp. 2017.
Climate change is causing rapid changes to the Arctic marine environment through a combination of sea ice loss and increased human activity. It is imperative that we monitor marine species in order to determine how they are reacting to these changes, but to do this, we must monitor these species over long periods of time, and must have a baseline for comparison. In this presentation, I examine underwater acoustic data that our team collected at two sites in the western Canadian Arctic (Sachs Harbour and Ulukhaktok), and use these data to assess when four species of marine mammals in the region (beluga and bowhead whales, bearded and ringed seals) were vocalizing. For the whales, the timing of vocalization serves as an estimate of migration timing, and for the seals, vocalization timing is more representative of the timing of the mating season. Our data show that both whale species migrated into the region in April, and that beluga whales migrated out of the region in the early autumn, whereas bowhead whales migrated in the late autumn. Both whale species at Ulukhaktok were recorded later into the year than at Sachs Harbour. Patterns in seal species vocalizations were quite different between the two sites. Bearded seals vocalized constantly during the winter and spring at Sachs Harbour, vocalizing 24 hours a day between April and June, whereas at Ulukhaktok, vocalizations began around the same time as at Sachs Harbour, but were much more sporadic and appeared to taper off before the mating season began in the spring. Ringed seals were generally quiet at Sachs Harbour, whereas their vocalizations were abundant throughout the winter at Ulukhaktok. These data serve as a baseline record for all four of these species, and will allow for useful comparisons as we continue to monitor these species at both sites into the future as climate continues to change. These data will also allow us to examine the influence of human-induced stressors, such as increased underwater noise, on these animals. We will also expand our monitoring network throughout the region in order to more fully understand these species in this region.
1 Molecular and Behavioural Ecology Group, Department of Biological sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, United States 2 Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Institut Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité, ISYEB, UMR 7205 CNRS MNHN UPMC EPHE, 45 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris, France 3NeuroPsi, CNRS UMR 9197, Bâtiment 446, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay cedex, France 4SensiLab, Monash University, Caulfield, VIC 3045, Australia 5Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Nathan, QLD, 4111, Australia
Popular version of paper 1pAB1 Presented Monday afternoon (1:00-1:20 pm), November 5, 2018 176th ASA Meeting, Victoria, Canada
Healthy freshwater environments are essential to the survival of many living organisms including humans. Disturbingly, these environments are so impacted by human activity that biodiversity is declining faster in rivers and lakes than any other type of environment: between 1970 and 2012 populations declined by 81% in freshwater systems compared with 38% and 36% for terrestrial and marine systems respectively (WWF, 2016). Action must be taken to protect these environments, and for this efficient monitoring of ecosystem condition is crucial.
There are several sources of sounds that can be heard underwater in lakes and rivers. Many animals communicate through sound, including frogs, fish (Fig. 1), insects (Fig. 2) and some crustaceans. Water flow and pebbles rolling at the bottom of rivers and streams can be very informative about the physical structure of the environment. The most surprising source of sound may be that of breathing and photosynthesizing plants (Fig. 3).
Figure 1: Video of a pool with spangled grunters (Leiopotherapon unicolor) and juvenile sooty grunters (Hephaestus fuliginosus). Both species are emitting grunts. Recorded in Talaroo (Queensland, Australia).
Effective restoration and protection actions requires detailed knowledge of the environments. It is therefore necessary to survey and monitor freshwater environments. Most current methods used to survey freshwater environments such as netting and electrofishing suffer some limitations: (i) they can injure wildlife, (ii) they only provide a snapshots of the environment, and (iii) they can require a significant workforce. In this presentation, we propose that using sounds recorded underwater with hydrophones is a powerful method to survey freshwater environments.
Figure 2: Spectrogram and associated recording of a true bug (Hemiptera) chorus recorded at night in Talaroo (Queensland, Autralia).
The use of sounds recorded in the environment for ecological surveys is studied in the field of ecoacoustics. Ecoacoustic monitoring relies on non-invasive methods that only require the introduction of an acoustic sensor in the environment. Automatic recorders allow for continuous monitoring and reduces the amount of workforce required. Freshwater ecoacoustic monitoring therefore seems like a great complement to more typical surveying methods.
Figure 3: Video of a plant expelling gas bubbles underwater and associated hydrophone recording (Video courtesy of François Vaillant). The legend in the video at 4 seconds reads ‘little bubbles coming out of the leaf’ and at 30 seconds says ‘a ‘big’ bubble is forming at the surface of the leaf’.
Ecoacoustic monitoring is an extremely promising method, already used in terrestrial and marine environments, but that is yet to be operationalized in freshwater environments. Our current research aims at standardizing temporal and spatial sampling designs as well as investigating the links between acoustic and habitat condition in freshwater environments. Overcoming those challenges will allow the application of ecoacoustic monitoring to a broad range of conservation and ecological research questions including the detection of rare or invasive species as well as condition surveys (e.g. polluted vs pristine) or rapid biodiversity assessments.
References: WWF (2016) Living Planet Report 2016: Risk and Resilience in a New Era. WWF international, Gland, Switzderland.