2aPAa – Three-dimensional wavefront modeling of secondary sonic booms

Dr. Joe Salamone – joe.salamone@boom.aero
Boom Supersonic
12876 East Adam Circle
Centennial, CO 80112

Popular version of 2aPAan- Three-dimensional wavefront modeling of secondary sonic booms
Presented Tuesday morning, May 24, 2022
182nd ASA Meeting, Denver, Colorado
Click here to read the abstract

A sonic boom is the impulsive sound heard resulting from a vehicle flying faster than the speed of sound.  The origin of this impulsive sound is the localized shock structure close to the vehicle due to regions of compression and expansion of the air (Figure 1) which manifest as pressure disturbances.  The leading shock at the vehicle typically forms a cone that circumferentially spreads around its nose.  A commonly used formula that relates the interior cone angle to the supersonic vehicle’s Mach number is:  cone angle = asin(1/Mach).  Thus, the cone angle gets larger with decreasing supersonic Mach number and vice versa.

The sonic boom propagates along acoustic ray paths, and these paths can refract based on temperature gradients and wind speed gradients.  A fundamental premise is the ray path will always bend towards the slower speed of sound.  The initial ray direction is normal to the Mach cone, with some additional influence for its initial direction due to the presence of wind at the vehicle’s flight altitude.  A depiction of the Mach cone compared to the ray cone was presented by Plotkin (2008) shown in Figure 2.  The Mach cone exists at an instance in time, travelling with the supersonic vehicle, while the specific locations that comprise the Mach cone surface represent the pressure disturbances that propagate along ray paths.

sonic booms

Figure 2 – Notional comparison between the supersonic Mach cone and its corresponding ray cone

Work presented here examines the shape of the Mach cone when propagated significantly large distances away from the vehicle in three-dimensional, realistic atmospheric conditions.  Also recognize the work here only depicts where the sonic boom could travel and not what its amplitude could be at the Earth’s surface.  Figure 3 shows that as the vehicle travels it is constantly generating new portions of the Mach cone, while the existing portions of the Mach cone all propagate at the local (effective) speed of sound.

Figure 3 – Mach cone construction from ray paths that originate from vehicle positions along its trajectory

A computational example of an extended Mach cone is shown in Figure 4 where the vehicle is flying at Mach 1.15.  Note the atmospheric refraction of the ray paths result in the lower portions of the Mach cone not reaching the Earth’s surface.  And likewise, the upper portions of Mach cone warp back towards the Earth’s surface.  Thus, the Mach cone no longer resembles a cone but is a more complicated shape.

Figure 4 – Computational example of a Mach cone for a vehicle traveling at Mach 1.15

Another computational example is presented in Figure 5, where the vehicle is flying at Mach 1.7.  Note the increase in Mach number creates a shallower initial Mach cone and portions of the Mach cone reach the Earth’s surface.  Additionally, the outer fringes of the Mach cone above and below the vehicle that do reach the Earth’s surface result in primary, direct secondary and indirect secondary sonic booms as indicated in Figure 5.  However, some portions of the Mach cone centered above and below the vehicle eventually refract at an extremely high altitude in the thermosphere.  Thus, those portions of the Mach cone, when they reach the Earth’s surface, would be inaudible due to their significantly longer propagation distances.

Figure 5 – Computational example of a Mach cone for a vehicle traveling at Mach 1.7

2aPAb – Ultrasound technology to remove kidney stones

Mohamed A. Ghanem – mghanem@uw.edu
Adam D.  Maxwell – amax38@uw.edu
Oleg A. Sapozhnikov – olegs@uw.edu
Michael R. Bailey – mbailey@uw.edu

University of Washington
1013 NE 40th St.
Seattle WA 98105

Popular version of 2aPAb – Designing an array for acoustic manipulation of kidney stones
Presented Tuesday morning, May 24, 2022
182nd ASA Meeting
Click here to read the abstract

Ultrasound technology is becoming an important treatment tool. For instance, sound waves can apply a radiation pressure that can displace an object. Multi-element arrays are complex ultrasound sources that consist of several small transducers that can be driven in sync or a specific order to output pressure waves with different shapes. Pressure wave shapes that have a doughnut shape or a long tube are useful as they can trap an object in the center and as we control the location of the doughnut the object follows. This technology can be used to trap small kidney stones or stone fragments and move them from the kidney collection areas toward the kidney exit without surgery. We have demonstrated the ability to move kidney stone models in the bladders transcutaneously in live pigs under anesthesia. We are currently designing a new multi-element array that will enable us to adapt this technology to move stones in the complex structure of the kidney over larger distances. This technology will reduce the surgery associated with kidney stone treatments by removing small stones or fragments before they become larger, which will lead to surgery, and eliminating emergency room visits by relieving blockages from these stones or fragments.

kidney stones

Controlled steering of kidney stones toward  the kidney exit with an ultrasound array.

2aPAa6 – Boom Buh-Boom! A brief analysis of a Falcon-9 booster landing

J. Taggart Durrant – taggart.durrant@gmail.com
Kent L. Gee – kentgee@byu.edu
Mark C. Anderson – anderson.mark.az@gmail.com
Logan T. Mathews – loganmathews103@gmail.com
Grant W. Hart – grant_hart@byu.edu

Department of Physics and Astronomy
Brigham Young University
N283 ESC
Provo, UT 84602

Popular version of 2aPAa6 – Analysis of sonic booms from Falcon 9 booster landings
Presented Tuesday morning, May 24, 2022
182nd ASA Meeting
Read the article in Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics

It’s an understatement to say that rockets are loud. The high-speed exhaust rushing out of the nozzles mixes with the surrounding air, creating sound waves that can be heard over great distances. Even several miles away the sound waves can vibrate your whole body as the rocket lifts off and rides its pillar of fire into the cosmos.

If you watch a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch, you may be treated to another impressive experience: watching the rocket’s first-stage booster return to Earth in a “flyback” maneuver and land (see Figure 1). During flyback, the booster falls through the atmosphere at supersonic speeds, with increasing drag from an ever-thickening atmosphere gradually slowing its descent. Seconds before a would-be impact, a single rocket engine fires up again, landing legs deploy, and the rocket lands safely. Depending on your location, not only will you hear the engine firing during the landing, but it may also be preceded by a startling, rapid sequence of loud bangs. No, the rocket hasn’t exploded; this is the Falcon 9’s unique “triple sonic boom” caused by its unique geometry and flight profile while it was still high above you and falling at supersonic speeds.

Falcon-9 launch Falcon-9 booster landing

“Figure 1. Left: Photo of a Falcon 9 launch. Photo from NASA/Joel Kowsky, public domain. Right: Photo of a Falcon 9 booster landing. Photo from SpaceX Photos, public domain.”

Want to hear a Falcon 9 sonic boom created during flyback? Here are some examples on YouTube.

Considering how loud this “triple boom” is, let’s take a look at its pressure waveform in relation to the other launch and landing noise. Figure 2 shows a microphone recording of an entire Falcon 9 launch and landing at Vandenberg Space Force Base over a period of 10 minutes at a distance of 5 miles from the launch and landing pads. Also shown are half-second snippets of the waveform during each of three main phases. The launch noise, indicated in red, is littered with shocks (nearly instantaneous changes in pressure) while the landing noise, indicated in green, contains many shocks of smaller amplitude and lesser steepness. All three phases of noise contain shock-like content, but the sonic boom, indicated in blue, is much larger in amplitude.

Falcon-9 “Figure 2. A Falcon 9 launch recording, around 5 miles away from the launch and landing sites.”

In order to determine the “sound exposure” of ground observers, we can use the Sound Exposure Level (SEL) metric over each section of the recording, as it accounts for both the amplitude and duration of the recording. The launch phase, calculated over 150 seconds, has an SEL of 127 dB (re 400 pPa2 s). However, the sonic boom – less than 1 second long – has an SEL of 124 dB. Although the boom’s duration is shorter than the launch, the amplitude is much greater, resulting in a total SEL similar to that of the entire launch noise. Lastly, the landing noise after the sonic boom (19 seconds) has an SEL of 112 dB.

This brief analysis shows that the landing noise (including the sonic boom) contributes a large amount of noise, similar to that of the launch phase, and needs to be considered when studying the effects of rocket launches on communities and environments.

1pPA1 – Ammonia chemistry: Sounds better with ultrasound

Dr. Prince Nana AMANIAMPONG, prince.nana.amaniampong@univ-poitiers.fr
CNRS Chargé de Recherche (CRCN)
Bâtiment B1, Rue Marcel Doré, TSA41105
86073 – Poitiers Cedex 9 (France)

Popular version of 1pPA1 – Ammonia chemistry: Sounds better with ultrasound
Presented Monday morning, May 23, 2022
182nd ASA Meeting
Click here to read the abstract

Hydrazine (N2H4) is a chemical of outmost importance in the chemical industry. The global hydrazine market was valued at 510.95 million USD in 2020, and is projected to reach 806.09 million by 2030, mostly boosted by the growing need of our society for the manufacture of polymer foams and agrochemicals. Moreover, hydrazine is used in space vehicles in the form of propellant to reduce the overall concentration of dissolved oxygen. The direct production of hydrazine from ammonia (NH3) is economically and environmentally highly attractive, but it remains a very difficult task. One of the reason stems from the high bond dissociation energy of N-H bond in NH3 (435 kJ/mol), requiring harsh conditions of temperature and pressure, which are not compatible with the stability of hydrazine. Indeed the composition of hydrazine is thermodynamically more favorable than the conversion of ammonia to hydrazine, making the accumulation of hydrazine scientifically challenging.

In this work, we show that cavitation bubbles created by ultrasonic irradiation of aqueous NH3 at a high frequency, act as micro-reactors to activate and convert NH3 to amino species, without assistance of any catalyst, yielding hydrazine at the bubble-liquid interface (Figure 1). The compartmentation of the in-situ produced hydrazine in the bulk solution, which is maintained close to 30 °C, advantageously prevents its thermal degradation, a recurrent problem faced by previous technologies.


Figure 1. Cavitation bubbles act as micro-reactors to activate ammonia towards hydrazine formation.

With this technology, a maximum hydrazine production rate of 0.17 mmol.L-1.h-2 in 7 wt. % ammonia solution was achieved (Figure 2). This work opens up new avenues toward the production of hydrazine for industrial and commercial applications using high frequency ultrasound activation technologies.


Figure 2. Effect of NH3 concentration on the formation of hydrazine (525 kHz, 0.17 W/mL, 30 °C)

This is has been recently published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Anaelle Humblot et al., 60, 48, 25230-25234 (doi.org/10.1002/anie.202109516) and was also highlighted as the front cover image of the issue.

Filtering Microplastics Trash from Water with Acoustic Waves

Filtering Microplastics Trash from Water with Acoustic Waves

Prototype speaker system efficiently separates out microplastics from polluted water

Media Contact:
Larry Frum
AIP Media

SEATTLE, November 29, 2021 — Microplastics are released into the environment by cosmetics, clothing, and industrial processes or from larger plastic products as they break down naturally.

The pollutants eventually find their way into rivers and oceans, posing problems for marine life. Filtering and removing the small particles from water is a difficult task, but acoustic waves may provide a solution.

Dhany Arifianto, of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember in Surabaya, Indonesia, will discuss a filtration prototype in his presentation, “Using bulk acoustic waves for filtering microplastic on polluted water,” on Monday, Nov. 29 at 6:10 p.m. Eastern U.S. at the Hyatt Regency Seattle. The presentation is part of the 181st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, taking place Nov. 29 to Dec. 3.

Arifianto and his team used two speakers to create acoustic waves. The force produced by the waves separates the microplastics from the water by creating pressure on a tube of inflowing water. As the tube splits into three channels, the microplastic particles are pressed toward the center as the clean water flows toward the two outer channels.

The prototype device cleaned 150 liters per hour of polluted water and was tested with three different microplastics. Each plastic was filtered with a different efficiency, but all were above 56% efficient in pure water and 58% efficient in seawater. Acoustic frequency, speaker-to-pipe distance, and density of the water all affected the amount of force generated and therefore the efficiency.

The acoustic waves may impact marine life if the wave frequency is in the audible range. The group is currently studying this potential issue.

“We believe further development is necessary to improve the cleaning rate, the efficiency, and particularly the safety of marine life,” said Arifianto.

Main meeting website: https://acousticalsociety.org/asa-meetings/
Technical program: https://eventpilotadmin.com/web/planner.php?id=ASASPRING22
Press Room: https://acoustics.org/world-wide-press-room/

In the coming weeks, ASA’s Worldwide Press Room will be updated with additional tips on dozens of newsworthy stories and with lay language papers, which are 300 to 500 word summaries of presentations written by scientists for a general audience and accompanied by photos, audio and video. You can visit the site during the meeting at https://acoustics.org/world-wide-press-room/.

We will grant free registration to credentialed journalists and professional freelance journalists. If you are a reporter and would like to attend, contact AIP Media Services at media@aip.org. For urgent requests, staff at media@aip.org can also help with setting up interviews and obtaining images, sound clips, or background information.

The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) is the premier international scientific society in acoustics devoted to the science and technology of sound. Its 7,000 members worldwide represent a broad spectrum of the study of acoustics. ASA publications include The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (the world’s leading journal on acoustics), JASA Express Letters, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Acoustics Today magazine, books, and standards on acoustics. The society also holds two major scientific meetings each year. See https://acousticalsociety.org/.

3pPA4 – Military personnel may be exposed to high level infrasound during training

Alessio Medda, PhD – Alessio.Medda@gtri.gatech.edu
Robert Funk, PhD – Rob.Funk@gtri.gatech.edu
Krish Ahuja, PhD – Krish.Ahuja@gtri.gatech.edu
Aerospace, Transportation & Advanced Systems Laboratory
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Georgia Institute of Technology
260 14th Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30332

Walter Carr, PhD – walter.s.carr.civ@mail.mil
Bradley Garfield – bradley.a.garfield.ctr@mail.mil
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)
503 Robert Grant Avenue
Silver Springs MD 20910

Popular version of 3pPA4 – Infrasound Signature Measurements for U.S. Army Infantry Weapons During Training
Presented Wednesday morning, December 1, 2021
181st ASA Meeting, Seattle, WA
Click here to read the abstract

Infrasound is defined as an acoustic oscillation with frequencies below the typical lower threshold of human hearing, typically 20 Hz. Although infrasound is considered too low in frequency for humans to hear, it was shown that infrasound could be heard down to about 1 Hz. In this low-frequency range, single frequencies are not perceived as pure tones but are experienced as shocks or pressure waves, through the harmonics generated by the distortion from the middle and inner ear. Moreover, it has been shown that infrasound exposure also can have an effect on the human body, when sound of sufficient intensity is absorbed and stimulates biological tissue to produce effects similar to whole-body vibrations.

United States military personnel are exposed to blast overpressure from a variety of sources during training and military operations. While it is known that repeated exposure to high-level blast overpressure may result in concussion like symptoms, the effect of repeated exposure to low-level blast overpressure is not well understood yet. Exposure to low-level blast rarely produces a concussion, but anecdotal evidence from soldiers indicates that it can still produce transient neurological effects. During interviews, military personnel described the effect of firing portable antitank weapons like “getting punched in your whole body.” In addition, military personnel involved with breaching operations often use the term “breacher’s brain” to identify symptoms that include headache, fatigue, dizziness, and memory issues.
Impulsive acoustic sources such as pressure waves generated by explosions, artillery launches, and rocket launches are typically characterized by a broadband acoustic energy with frequency components well into the infrasound range. In this study, we explore how routine infantry training can result in high level repeated infrasound exposures by analyzing acoustic recordings and highlighting the presence of infrasound.

We present results in the form of time-frequency plots, which have been generated using a technique based on wavelets, a mathematical approach that represents a signal at different scales and uses unique features at each scale. This technique is called Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform and it was proposed by Daubechies et al. in 2011. In Figure 1 we show examples of high energy infrasound for three weapons commonly used during infantry training in the US military. Figure 1(A) shows the time-frequency plot of a grenade explosion, Figure 1(B) shows the time-frequency plot obtained from recordings of machine gun fire, and Figure 1(C) shows the time-frequency plot obtained from a recording of a rocket launched from a shoulder-held weapon.

Results indicate that high infrasound levels are present during military training events where impulsive noise is present. Also, service members that are routinely part of these training exercises have reported concussion-like symptoms associated with training exposures.

Through this research, we have an opportunity to establish the nature of the potential threat from infrasound in training environments as a preparation for future studies aimed at developing dose-response relationships between neurophysiological outcomes and environmental measurements.

Time-frequency spectrum for recordings of (A) Grenade Blast, (B) Machine Gun fire, and (C) Rocket Launcher from shoulder weapon. Regions characterized by high energy appear hotter (red) while normal conditions are cooler (blue).