Acoustics in Focus (AIF)
180th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
8-10 June 2021
Please keep in mind that some of the research described in these lay papers may not have yet been peer reviewed.

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2pPP8 – Teenagers with ADHD may perceive loud sounds in a different way
Hyper-sensitivity and hypo-sensitivity (increased and decreased reaction to sounds) are common among patients with ADHD, but have not been well-studied.
2aMU1 – Supercomputer simulation reveals how the reed vibrations are controlled in single-reed instruments
Researchers conducted a numerical simulation of sound generation in a single-reed instrument called Saxonett
1aSPa5 – Saving Lives During Disasters by Using Drones
Drones can better reach and cover inaccessible and larger areas than rescuers on the ground or other types of vehicles.
3aNS4 – Protecting Sleep from Noise in the Built Environment
Those living in aging or poorly built, multiple occupancy buildings are likely to have substantial exposure to site exterior noise intrusions, as well as to noise produced within their own building envelopes
2aSC1 – Testing invisible Participants: Conducting Behavioural Science online during the Pandemic
This researcher encourages others to embrace online research, but argues that we must carefully adapt research protocols to maintain high data quality.
1aMU2 – Measurements and Analysis of Acoustic Guitars During Various Stages of Their Construction
Researchers measured the resonant structure of three guitars during their construction
2aAO5 – Tracking natural hydrocarbons gas flow over the course of a year
Researchers have been studying the release of methane, a greenhouse gas, in the form of bubbles from different regions of the ocean’s seafloor for decades to understand its impact on global climate change and ocean acidification
1pAB6 – Oscillatory whistles – the ups and downs of identifying species in passive acoustic recordings
This clear difference between species in the use of one specific whistle shape suggests that whistle type is important for species identification.
2aMU5 – Evaluation of individual differences of vibration duration of tuning forks
only the fundamental frequency is tuned in the manufacturing process of the tuning forks, durations of tones have not been evaluated.
1aSC2 – The McGurk Illusion
However, when it comes to understanding real-world multisensory speech perception, there are several reasons to think that McGurk-style stimuli are poorly-suited to the task.
3aSP1 – Using Physics to Solve the Cocktail Party Problem
Researcher investigates a new approach to the cocktail party problem that blends tricks used by human hearing with laws of physics
1aABa1 – Ending the day with a song: patterns of calling behavior in a species of rockfish
not much is known about rockfish calling behavior, a stark contrast to what we’ve learned about bird calling behavior.
1aBAb2 – Transcranial Radiation of Guided Waves for Brain Ultrasound
The use of ultrasound in the imaging and treatment of soft tissues is well established, but ultrasound treatment for the brain poses important scientific challenges.
2aNS3 – A Socio-Technical Model for Soundmapping Community Airplane Noise
Researchers are developing a socio-technical sound sensor network called Citygram that would make practicable measuring actual noise levels opposed to theoretical noise levels around airports.
1aSPa4 – The Sound of Drones
The researcher’s main goal was to study the sound generated by drones during flight in order to solve the problems of their automatic finding and recognition.
2aSC8 – Tips for collecting self-recordings on smartphones
Speech scientists whose data consists of audio recordings of people talking switched to remote methods like Zoom or asking people to record themselves on their phones.
3pEA6 – Selective monitoring of noise emitted by vehicles involved in road traffic
The research focuses on the electronics built in the street lamp using multiple sensors, including an acoustic intensity probe that measures the sound intensity in three orthogonal directions
1aMU6 – Psychoacoustic phenomena in electric-guitar performance
Researchers examined how electric guitar effects helped pave the road to modern rock and roll music.
1aSC1 – Untangling the link between working memory and understanding speech
Working memory is our ability to simultaneously remember some information while working on other information
1aMU4 – In search of huge sound… or huge strings, at least
Harmonic composition is called the brightness of the string. Higher harmonics create a sharp and open sound. Lower harmonics help to beef up the tone.
3pSCb1 – Sound Teaching Online During COVID19
These kits had been in use for several years in an online post-baccalaureate program that prepares students for graduate study in speech-language pathology when the COVID19 pandemic radically changed the undergraduate on-campus version the course.
3aBA9 – Ultrasound mediated thermal stress augments mass and drug transport in brain tumors
investigators built a closed-loop trans-skull magnetic resonance imaging guided focused ultrasound prototype
2pMU3 – Why do harpists still prefer gut strings?
study of the various limits on string choice for musical instruments has shown that the answer lies in a difference of “damping” in the strings
Lay Language Papers organized by meeting
184th Meeting: Chicago, IL
183rd Meeting: Nashville, TN
182nd Meeting: Denver, CO
181st Meeting: Seattle, WA
180th Meeting: Virtual – Acoustics in Focus
179th Meeting: Virtual – Acoustics Virtually Everywhere
178th Meeting: San Diego, CA
177th Meeting: Louisville, KY
176th Meeting: Victoria British, Columbia
175th Meeting: Minneapolis, MN
174th Meeting: New Orleans, LA
173rd Meeting (8th Forum Acusticum): Boston, MA
172nd Meeting (5th Joint Meeting of ASA and ASJ): Honolulu, HI
171st Meeting: Salt lake City, UT
170th Meeting: Jacksonville, FL
169th Meeting: Pittsburgh, PA
168th Meeting: Indianapolis, IN
167th Meeting: Providence, Rhode Island
166th Meeting: San Francisco, California
165th Meeting: Montreal, Canada
164rd Meeting: Kansas City, Missouri
163rd Meeting: Hong Kong, China
162nd Meeting: San Diego, California
161st Meeting: Seattle, Washington
160th Meeting: Cancun, Mexico
159th Meeting: Baltimore, Maryland
158th Meeting: San Antonio, Texas
157th Meeting: Portland, Oregon
156th Meeting: Miami, Florida
155th Meeting: Paris, France
154th Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana
153rd Meeting: Salt Lake City, Utah
152nd Meeting: Honolulu, Hawaii
151st Meeting: Providence, Rhode Island
150th Meeting: Minneapolis, Minnesota
149th Meeting: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
148th Meeting: San Diego, California
147th Meeting: New York, New York
146th Meeting: Austin, Texas
145th Meeting: Nashville, Tennessee
144th Meeting: Cancun, Mexico
143rd Meeting: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
142nd Meeting: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
141st Meeting: Chicago, Illinois
140th Meeting: Newport Beach, California
139th Meeting: Atlanta, Georgia
138th Meeting: Columbus, Ohio
137th Meeting: Berlin, Germany
136th Meeting: Norfolk, Virginia
135th Meeting: Seattle, Washington (ICA/ASA ’98)
134th Meeting: San Diego, California
133rd Meeting: State College, Pennsylvania
132nd Meeting: Honolulu, Hawaii
131st Meeting: Indianapolis, Indiana
130th Meeting: St. Louis Missouri