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4pNS2 – Use of virtual reality in designing and developing sonic environment for dementia care facilities
This research aims to enhance the soundscape experience during the design and development of care facilities by using Virtual Reality and defining the context during the process.
2aNS7 – Directional Processing in Assessment of Wind Turbine Noise
Assessments of Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) noise are required to comply with the US Environmental Agency and local governments and avoid legal action that may result of non-compliant operation.
1pAA1 – Analysis and actions required to ensure raceway noise levels are acceptable to the surrounding community
Raceways and neighboring communities are attempting to find workable solutions without compromise to the safety and enjoyment of the raceway.
3pSP4 – Imaging Watermelons
Before investigating the acoustic properties, it is useful to examine watermelons’ ripening properties from a material perspective.
2aPAa – Three-dimensional wavefront modeling of secondary sonic booms
Work presented here examines the shape of the Mach cone when propagated significantly large distances away from the vehicle in three-dimensional, realistic atmospheric conditions.
3aPPb1 – Spectral Processing Deficits Appear to Underlie Developmental Language Disorders
As many as twenty percent of children encounter difficulties learning language, a condition termed Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).
1pEA7 – Oscillations of drag-reducing air pocket under fast boat hull
By injecting air under the hull bottom with a special recess and maintaining a thin but large-area air pocket, total boat drag can be decreased by up to 30%.
4pBA8 – Charging devices inside the body or outside: Ultrasound Wireless Powering offers several possibilities
The use of an ultrasound transmitter and receiver approach has enabled wireless ultrasound powering (UWP), from sophisticated body-implant powering to charging batteries for digital devices
1pMU4 – Flow Visualization and Aerosols in Performance
we used a variety of methods, including flow visualization, aerosol and CO2 measurements to understand the different components that can lead to transmission risk from musical performance and risk mitigation.
4aSC3 – Talkers prepare their lips before audibly speaking – Is this the same thing as coarticulated speech?
Some theoretical models explain coarticulation by assuming that talkers retrieve slightly different versions of their /s/ sound from memory, depending on the sound to follow.
2aSC2 – Identifying race from speech
Black and white men and women listeners from Indiana and North Carolina heard recordings of the eastern and western talkers
4aBA13 – In-vivo assessment of lymph nodes using quantitative ultrasound on a clinical scanner: a preliminary study
Researchers are using an ultrasonography technique called quantitative ultrasound (QUS) to assess lymph nodes in vivo and determine if metastatic cells are present without the need for biopsy.
3aSC4 – Effects of two-talker child speech on novel word learning in preschool-age children
Researchers are testing children’s ability to learn and remember unfamiliar words either in quiet and in a noise condition when two other children are talking in the background.
2aPAb – Ultrasound technology to remove kidney stones
This technology can be used to trap small kidney stones or stone fragments and move them from the kidney collection areas toward the kidney exit without surgery.
2aPAa6 – Boom Buh-Boom! A brief analysis of a Falcon-9 booster landing
…this is the Falcon-9 unique “triple sonic boom” caused by its unique geometry and flight profile while it was still high above you
3aAB7 – Modeling the potential for vessel collision with Southern Resident killer whales
Predicting the risk of vessel collisions for a given species through modeling can be a useful way to determine whether protective measures are needed.
2pUW2 – Pacific Echo: A deep ocean collaborative experiment
The experimental programme, Pacific Echo, was a collaboration between researchers at the US Naval Research Laboratory in Washington and the Canadian Defence Research Establishment Pacific in Victoria.
2aBAb1 – Using ultrasound imaging to predict type1 diabetes development
It is challenging to predict if an individual will get type1 diabetes and when, limiting the ability to intervene early.
1pPA1 – Ammonia chemistry: Sounds better with ultrasound
Researchers show that cavitation bubbles created by ultrasonic irradiation of aqueous ammonia at a high frequency, act as micro-reactors to activate and convert ammonia to amino species
ASA Press Conferences Livestreamed from Denver, May 24
Media invited to register and attend in person or online — topics include raceway noise impacts on neighborhoods, getting rid of unwanted sounds during events, coral reef health