MEMBERS OF THE PRESS – To search by Author, Abstract Code or Date (e.g. October 29) – simply enter the author name, abstract code or date in the search box to the right. To search for ALL papers matching a certain Category or Meta tag, click on the appropriate link on the sidebar.
5pBA4 – A noninvasive ultrasound device to treat urinary stones in pet cats
Like humans, cats grow stones in their kidneys. As these stones pass through the urinary tract, they can become stuck and block the outflow of urine.
1aBAb1 – Acoustic intra-body communication using semi-guided waves through human body tissues
Researchers explore the possibility of using ultrasounds for the communication between devices attached on the body.
2pCA8 – Sonic boom propagation using an improved ray tracing technique
A computationally efficient prediction tool that can predict the impact of sonic booms in urban areas would be a useful tool for researchers and legislators.
1aBAb – Detecting liver cracks using ultrasonic shear wave imaging
Liver crack is a type of liver trauma, in which a capsular tear of different geometries occurs due to external impacts, and it is a common physical damage in traffic accidents, combating sports, and other accidents.
4aAA9 – The successful application of acoustic lighting in restaurants
To understand the rise of acoustic lighting in restaurants, it is best to go back to the beginning of modern architectural acoustics.
1pBAb5 – Predicting Spontaneous Preterm Birth Risk is Improved when Quantitative Ultrasound Data are Included with Prior Clinical Data
Novel quantitative ultrasound (QUS) technology shows promise of becoming a useful method for early detection of spontaneous preterm birth.
4aAA10 – Acoustic Effects of Face Masks on Speech: Impulse Response Measurements Between Two Head and Torso Simulators
The mouth of the source head and torso simulator (HATS) was covered with various face masks: paper, cloth, N95, nano, and face shield.
3aEA7 – Interactive Systems for Immersive Spaces
For users to take full advantage of immersive spaces the interfaces used to interact with data should be both easy to understand,
2pAB4 – Towards understanding how dolphins use sound to understand their environment
University of Michigan researchers developed a framework to provide new insight into dolphin echolocation.
3aSC7 – Human BeatBoxing: A Vocal Exploration
Human Beatboxing is a musical technique that uses the vocal tract to imitate musical instruments.
2aCA11-Validating a phase-inversion procedure to assess the signal-to-noise ratios at the output of hearing aids with wide-dynamic-range compression
Researchers looked to see whether a specific technique used to determine the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) at the output of a hearing aid gave accurate results.
4aMU8 – Neural Plasticity for Music Processing in Young Adults: the Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique.
4aAB7 – Slower ships, quieter oceans: Reducing underwater noise to support endangered killer whales
The Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) Program coordinates research projects to advance our understanding of underwater noise
1aED3 – Accelerating Science Education by Interactive Simulators and Imaging Experiments
Unlike a typical homework set, these simulators provide students with an understanding of the functional relationship of variables in a continuous and efficient way.
2pAO6 – Listening to Hydrothermal Vents
Passive acoustics provides a sustained hydrothermal vents monitoring method from a safe distance.
2pPPa1 – Flying bats modify their biosonar sounds to avoid interference from other bats
When other flying bats are present, bats face the added challenge of separating out the echoes from their own broadcasts from other bats’
1pNS1 – Innovative Solutions for Acoustic Disturbances Occurring in Slender Buildings
Bonnie Schnitta – bonnie@soundsense.comSean Harkin – sean@soundsense.comPatrick Murray - patrick@soundsense.comCollin Champagne - collin@soundsense.comjeremy Newman - SoundSense, LLC39 Industrial Rd, Unit 6PO Box 1360Wainscott, NY 11975 Popular...
5aABb2 – A tale of two singers: how do bats and bird mixed-flocks respond to petroleum industry noise in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Industrial noise can have a significant impact on animal groups that rely on acoustic communication for fundamental survival activities.
3pPA4 – Military personnel may be exposed to high level infrasound during training
Alessio Medda, PhD – Alessio.Medda@gtri.gatech.eduRobert Funk, PhD – Rob.Funk@gtri.gatech.eduKrish Ahuja, PhD – Krish.Ahuja@gtri.gatech.eduAerospace, Transportation & Advanced Systems LaboratoryGeorgia Tech Research InstituteGeorgia Institute of Technology260 14th...
1pABb6 – Eavesdropping on a bald eagle breeding pair
JoAnn McGee – mcgeej@umn.eduVA Loma Linda Healthcare System, Loma Linda, CA 92357Center for Applied and Translational Sensory Science,University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, MN 55455 Peggy B. Nelson – nelso477@umn.eduDepartment of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences and the...
3aPA8 – A Midsummer Flights Dream: Detecting Earthquakes from Solar Balloons
A Midsummer Flights Dream: Detecting Earthquakes from Solar Balloons Leo Martire (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA) - leo.martire@jpl.nasa.govSiddharth Krishnamoorthy (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute...
1pPPb – Young adults with ADHD display altered neural responses to attended sounds than neurotypical counterparts
Researchers reasoned that people with ADHD would perform worse when undertaking a challenging task that required strong top-down control
1aBAb12 – Novel use of a lung ultrasound sensor for monitoring lung conditions
Novel use of a lung ultrasound sensor for monitoring lung conditions Tanya Khokhlova - tdk7@uw.eduAdam Maxwell - amax38@uw.eduGilles Thomas - gthom@uw.eduJeff Thiel - jt43@uw.eduAlex Peek - apeek@uw.eduBryan Cunitz - bwc@uw.eduMichael Bailey - mbailey@uw.eduKyle...
1aBAb9 – Extracting Human Skull Properties by Using Ultrasound and Artificial Intelligence
Extracting Human Skull Properties by Using Ultrasound and Artificial Intelligence Churan He1– churanh2@illinois.eduYun Jing2 – Han1 – 1. Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringThe University of Illinois at Urbana...
4pNS2 – Sound of the City: Creating a Balanced Sound Composition in Urban Green Spaces
Much like landscapes, soundscapes can vary greatly depending on the sound sources adding their voices.
4aMU5 – Do Lyrics help individuals to sing in tune?
Do Lyrics help individuals to sing in tune? Simin Soleimanifar- simins2@illinois.eduHannah E. Staisloff- staislo22@illinois.eduJustin M. Aronoff - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,901 South SixthUrbana-Champaign, IL 61820 Popular...
Lay Language Papers organized by meeting
183rd Meeting: Nashville, TN
182nd Meeting: Denver, CO
181st Meeting: Seattle, WA
180th Meeting: Virtual – Acoustics in Focus
179th Meeting: Virtual – Acoustics Virtually Everywhere
178th Meeting: San Diego, CA
177th Meeting: Louisville, KY
176th Meeting: Victoria British, Columbia
175th Meeting: Minneapolis, MN
174th Meeting: New Orleans, LA
173rd Meeting (8th Forum Acusticum): Boston, MA
172nd Meeting (5th Joint Meeting of ASA and ASJ): Honolulu, HI
171st Meeting: Salt lake City, UT
170th Meeting: Jacksonville, FL
169th Meeting: Pittsburgh, PA
168th Meeting: Indianapolis, IN
167th Meeting: Providence, Rhode Island
166th Meeting: San Francisco, California
165th Meeting: Montreal, Canada
164rd Meeting: Kansas City, Missouri
163rd Meeting: Hong Kong, China
162nd Meeting: San Diego, California
161st Meeting: Seattle, Washington
160th Meeting: Cancun, Mexico
159th Meeting: Baltimore, Maryland
158th Meeting: San Antonio, Texas
157th Meeting: Portland, Oregon
156th Meeting: Miami, Florida
155th Meeting: Paris, France
154th Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana
153rd Meeting: Salt Lake City, Utah
152nd Meeting: Honolulu, Hawaii
151st Meeting: Providence, Rhode Island
150th Meeting: Minneapolis, Minnesota
149th Meeting: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
148th Meeting: San Diego, California
147th Meeting: New York, New York
146th Meeting: Austin, Texas
145th Meeting: Nashville, Tennessee
144th Meeting: Cancun, Mexico
143rd Meeting: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
142nd Meeting: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
141st Meeting: Chicago, Illinois
140th Meeting: Newport Beach, California
139th Meeting: Atlanta, Georgia
138th Meeting: Columbus, Ohio
137th Meeting: Berlin, Germany
136th Meeting: Norfolk, Virginia
135th Meeting: Seattle, Washington (ICA/ASA ’98)
134th Meeting: San Diego, California
133rd Meeting: State College, Pennsylvania
132nd Meeting: Honolulu, Hawaii
131st Meeting: Indianapolis, Indiana
130th Meeting: St. Louis Missouri