San Diego, California
178th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
2–6 December 2019
Please keep in mind that some of the research described in these lay papers may not have yet been peer reviewed.
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ASA meeting webcasting events: Information Coming Soon
2aAA10 – Developing A New Method for Analyzing Room Acoustics Based on Auralization “How can a room shape your voice?”
A room is modeled, an impulse response (IR) that captures the room’s acoustic features is generated, and an auralization is created by shaping the voice recording based on the sound signature of the simulated room, a process called convolution.
3aBA6 – Detecting Kidney Stones Via Doppler Ultrasound
Researchers explore how kidney stones affect twinkling artifacts (TA) and the ability to locate stones with TAs in an excised kidney.
3pID3 – Hot topics in a warming ocean: How acoustical oceanography can help monitor climate change
Showcasing the work of many acoustical oceanographers that have made valuable contributions to aid in climate change related monitoring
4pPPa6 – Benefits of a Smartphone as a Remote Microphone System
Remote microphone (RM) systems have been shown to reduce the challenges hearing aid users face with communicating in noisy environments.
2pSA9 – Acoustic transients from the impact force excitation of beams and wind chimes
The present paper addresses the underlying physics of wind chimes from the viewpoint of a structural acoustician.
2aSA9 – Acoustic black holes in airfoils
When we slice an aircraft wing somewhere in between, we find that it has a unique shape, called ‘airfoils’.
3pAA4 – Small town factory into modern multi-purpose music hall
Phase 1 transformed the historic Griffin Auto Building into a restaurant and flat-floor, indoor music hall.
3pSC10 – Fearless Steps: Taking the Next Step towards Advanced Speech Technology for Naturalistic Audio
The focus of this current effort is to contribute to the development of Spoken Language Technology based algorithms to analyze and understand various aspects of conversational speech.
2aNSa2 – The effect of transportation noise on sleep and health
As transportation noise continues to rise, social justice issues are being raised over the impacts on sleep, health, safety and well being.
2aSP2 – Self-Driving Cars: Have You Considered Using Sound?
Researchers have designed a method to predict a car crash by detecting and isolating the sounds of tire skidding that might signal a possible crash.
3pAO7 – The use of passive acoustic to follow killer whale behavior and to understand how they perceive their environment within a context of interaction with fishing activities
In this study, researchers focused on the depredation by killer whales on a demersal longline fisheries around Crozet Archipelago
2pAB – Sound production of the critically endangered totoaba: applying underwater sound detection to fish species conservation
as little is known about the characteristics of totoaba sounds, it is necessary to first gain an understanding of the acoustic behavior of this species before PAM can be applied to the GoC totoaba population
4aAB4 – A Machine Learning Model of the Global Ambient Sound Level
Researchers developed a machine learning model to predict the ambient sound level at every point on Earth’s land surface.
4aSC19 – Consonant Variation in Southern Speech
Researchers used the Digital Archive of Southern Speech (DASS), which contains 367 hours of recordings consisting of approximately two million words of Southern speech.
5aSC8 – How head and eyebrow movements help make conversation a success
Researchers look at how movements of the eyebrow and the head might be used by participants in conversation to help determine when to exchange the conversational floor with one another.
2aNSb7 – Automatically finding focused crowd involvement at basketball games and Mardi Gras parades
While it is relatively easy for a person to judge whether a crowd is booing or cheering, teaching a computer to differentiate between different crowd responses is a challenging problem.
4pBAb3 – Bubbles on kidney stones in humans
Researchers look at the origin of the twinkling artifact on kidney stones by imaging kidney stones in humans with ultrasound while inside a pressure or hyperbaric chamber
2pAB2 – Sound pollution decreases the chances of love for oyster toadfish
The oyster toadfish, Opsanus tau, has a rich vocal repertoire, producing a variety of calls with fast contracting muscles along its swimbladder.
3pNS3 – Design of an Electric Vehicle Warning Sound System to Minimize Noise Pollution
Electric vehicles are rather quiet when compared to their internal combustion counterparts, and this has sparked concern
4pPPb2 – Phantom words are heard more frequently as coming from the right side of space
We surmised that righthanders would perceive more phantom words and phrases as though coming from their right, and that non-righthanders would not show this difference in perceived location
3pID2 – Communication Between Native and Non-Native Speakers
Real-world communication between individuals who do not share a language background can result in challenges for successful communication.
4pSC34 – Social contexts do not affect how listeners perceive personality traits of gay and heterosexual male talkers
Researchers examined whether listeners would strongly associate certain personality traits with a talker if they knew the talkers’ sexual orientation
3pBA4 – Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Tracking of the Tongue in Real-time Ultrasound Data
The popularity of ultrasound imaging for tongue visualization is because of its attractive characteristics such as imaging at a reasonably rapid frame rate,
2pAA13 – Reverberation Time Slope Ratio Thesis
The T60 Slope Ratio thesis defines specific reverberation time vs. frequency goals for modern architectural acoustic environments.
3pSA – Diagnosing wind turbine condition employing a neural network to the analysis of vibroacoustic signals
it is important from the economic point of view to detect damage early in the wind turbines before failures occur.
Lay Language Papers organized by meeting
183rd Meeting: Nashville, TN
182nd Meeting: Denver, CO
181st Meeting: Seattle, WA
180th Meeting: Virtual – Acoustics in Focus
179th Meeting: Virtual – Acoustics Virtually Everywhere
178th Meeting: San Diego, CA
177th Meeting: Louisville, KY
176th Meeting: Victoria British, Columbia
175th Meeting: Minneapolis, MN
174th Meeting: New Orleans, LA
173rd Meeting (8th Forum Acusticum): Boston, MA
172nd Meeting (5th Joint Meeting of ASA and ASJ): Honolulu, HI
171st Meeting: Salt lake City, UT
170th Meeting: Jacksonville, FL
169th Meeting: Pittsburgh, PA
168th Meeting: Indianapolis, IN
167th Meeting: Providence, Rhode Island
166th Meeting: San Francisco, California
165th Meeting: Montreal, Canada
164rd Meeting: Kansas City, Missouri
163rd Meeting: Hong Kong, China
162nd Meeting: San Diego, California
161st Meeting: Seattle, Washington
160th Meeting: Cancun, Mexico
159th Meeting: Baltimore, Maryland
158th Meeting: San Antonio, Texas
157th Meeting: Portland, Oregon
156th Meeting: Miami, Florida
155th Meeting: Paris, France
154th Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana
153rd Meeting: Salt Lake City, Utah
152nd Meeting: Honolulu, Hawaii
151st Meeting: Providence, Rhode Island
150th Meeting: Minneapolis, Minnesota
149th Meeting: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
148th Meeting: San Diego, California
147th Meeting: New York, New York
146th Meeting: Austin, Texas
145th Meeting: Nashville, Tennessee
144th Meeting: Cancun, Mexico
143rd Meeting: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
142nd Meeting: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
141st Meeting: Chicago, Illinois
140th Meeting: Newport Beach, California
139th Meeting: Atlanta, Georgia
138th Meeting: Columbus, Ohio
137th Meeting: Berlin, Germany
136th Meeting: Norfolk, Virginia
135th Meeting: Seattle, Washington (ICA/ASA ’98)
134th Meeting: San Diego, California
133rd Meeting: State College, Pennsylvania
132nd Meeting: Honolulu, Hawaii
131st Meeting: Indianapolis, Indiana
130th Meeting: St. Louis Missouri